
Hier finden Interessierte, Forschende und Studierende ausgewählte Informationen zu erwähnenswerten Veröffentlichungen, Auszeichnungen, laufenden Aktivitäten und sonstigen Ereignissen des Lehr­stuhls.

Research talk by Désirée Zercher at Stanford On the topic: When AI Joins the Team: Team Decision-Making in Team-AI Collaboration.
3rd place winners at the 6th International Blockchain School Hackathon 2023
The 6th International Blockchain School Hackathon took place from the 14th until the 18th of August 2023 at IT University of Copenhagen comprising an excellent international and interdisciplinary content covering Information Systems, Economics, and Legal as well as various practical use case ...
Auszeichnung für den DESRIST 2023 Best Paper Award
Unser Paper „Designing User-Centric Explanations for Medical Imaging With Informed Machine Learning“ von Luis Oberste, Florian Rüffer, Okan Aydingül, Johann Rink und Armin Heinzl ist für den DESRIST (Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology) Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet ...
Informed Machine Learning für nutzerzentrierte Erklärbarkeit
Der Aufsatz " User-Centric Explainability in Healthcare: A Knowledge-Level Perspective of Informed Machine Learning " wurde kürzlich zur Veröffentlichung im Journal “IEEE Trans­actions on Artificial Intelligence” (IEEE TAI) akzeptiert.
Research paper „Competing With Superstars: Does Exclusive Content Discourage Complementary Innovation?„wins „Runner Up“ for the overall „Best Completed Research Paper Award
We are proud to announce that our research paper „Competing With Superstars: Does Exclusive Content Discourage Complementary Innovation?“ has won „Runner Up“ for the overall „Best Completed Research Paper Award“ at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022 today. Earlier, the ...