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Hier finden Studierende aktuelle Informationen zu Klausuren, Lehr­veranstaltungen, Stellenangeboten als Tutoren und Hilfskräfte, Praktika und weiteren Ereignissen des Lehr­stuhls.


Master Thesis: Development of a Revenue Model for Innovative Healthcare Environments: Example of M²OLIE
With nearly 8.8 million yearly lethal causalities, cancer can be considered as one of the major causes of death. The treatment of cancer is a long-term process and requires huge personnel and financial investments. Germany alone spends more than 350 million Euro to cover health care expenditures. ...
Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) for all exams in HWS-2018 on Wed, March 20th, 2019 from 9am to 12pm
All students who wrote in HWS2018 exams in IS201, IS405, IS513, IS614 or IS615 at the Chair of Prof. Heinzl can review the exam on Wed, March 20th, 2019 from 9am to 12pm (room 214/215 in L15, 1–6).
Data Management Coordinator / Data Analyst at EFMD
EFMD is a global, member­ship driven organization, based in Brussels. As the largest international network association in the field of management development, the EFMD network includes over 900 members and reaches over 30,000 management development professionals from academia, business, public ...
Praktikant Operations (w/m/d) im PwC Experience Center
Praktikant Operations (w/m/d) im PwC Experience Center Jobcode: E-101407
Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) for all exams
For all exams in HWS2018 Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) on Tuesday, Jan 22nd, 2019 from 9am to 12pm.
Student jobs at SAP
We have very cool working student jobs now posted to get off to a strong start of 2019 with SAP devX, picking up right after SAP d-kom.
Bewerbungs­schluss für Schmalenbach-Stipendien am 30.11.2018
Bewerbungs­frist für Schmalenbach-Stipendien endet am 30.11.2018.
Tutoren gesucht
Der Lehr­stuhl für ABWL und Wirtschafts­informatik (Prof. Dr. Heinzl) sucht Tutoren für die Veranstaltung ‚Integrated Information Systems’ (IS 401) für das FSS 2019 (Februar bis Mai 2019).
Deutsche Muttersprach­ler für Chatbot-Studie gesucht! GERMAN NATIVE SPEAKERS ONLY!
Verdiene 10€ (ca. 45–60 Min.)! Wir führen eine Studie über Chatbots durch. Als Teilnehmer testest du einen Chatbot.
IS 510 and IS 512 Resit Exam Review (Klausureinsicht)
IS 510 and IS 512 Resit Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) on Tuesday, Oct 9th, 2018 from 9am to 12pm