Vor dem Hintergrund des e-Learning-Fachkonzepts der baden-württembergischen Hochschulen und der e-Learning Strategie der Universität Mannheim soll das Forschungsprojekt einen theoretischen, empirischen und praktischen Mehrwert generieren: 1. Eine lerntheoretisch fundierte und validierte Auswahl der zu analysierenden Daten sowie die damit verbundene pädagogische Entscheidung, welche Informationen den Lernenden (und Lehrenden) in welcher Form zugänglich gemacht werden sollen und 2. Eine empirisch validierte Auswahl von Indikatoren für die Analysealgorithmen mit einem besonderen Fokus auf den Lerninhalt und curriculare Ziele. 3. Die Verknüpfung der technischen Infrastruktur (HISinOne und ILIAS) und Implementation einer Learning Analytics Anwendung als übergeordnetes Plug-In für Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg.
Ifenthaler, D., & Schumacher, C. (2019). Releasing personal information within learning analytics systems. In D. G. Sampson, J. M. Spector, D. Ifenthaler, P. Isaias, & S. Sergis (Eds.), Learning technologies for transforming teaching, learning and assessment at large scale (pp. 3–18). New York, NY: Springer.
Klasen, D., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Implementing learning analytics into existing higher education legacy systems. In D. Ifenthaler, J. Y.-K. Yau, & D.-K. Mah (Eds.), Utilizing learning analytics to support study success (pp. 61–72). New York, NY: Springer.
Schumacher, C., Klasen, D., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Implementation of a learning analytics system in a productive higher education environment In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Emerging trends in learning analytics (pp. 177–199). Leiden‚ NL: Brill.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). Features students really expect from learning analytics. Computers in Human Behavior, 78, 397–407. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.030
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). The importance of students’ motivational dispositions for designing learning analytics. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 30(3), 599–619. doi:10.1007/s12528-018-9188-y
Ifenthaler, D. (2017). Are higher education institutions prepared for learning analytics? TechTrends, 61(4), 366–371. doi:10.1007/s11528-016-0154-0
Ifenthaler, D., & Schumacher, C. (2016). Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext. WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 4, 172–177.
Ifenthaler, D., & Schumacher, C. (2016). Student perceptions of privacy principles for learning analytics. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(5), 923–938. doi:10.1007/s11423-016-9477-y
Ifenthaler, D., & Schumacher, C. (2019). Implementing learning analytics for supporting students. Paper presented at the Strategies beyond borders – transforming higher education in a digital age, Berlin, Germany, 09-12-2019.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Why trace data fail to inform learning outcomes. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 23-10-2019.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). When prompts do not support learning outcome and learning analytics fail to provide useful information. Paper presented at the EARLI Conference, Aachen, NRW, Germany, 12-08-2019.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Investigating self-regulated learning prompts using learning analytics. Paper presented at the AERA Anual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, 08-04-2019.
Ifenthaler, D. (2019). Implementation of learning analytics in productive systems. Paper presented at the LEARNTEC, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany, 29-01-2019.
Schumacher, C., Ifenthaler, D., & Schön, D. (2018). Toward evidence-based implementation of a learning analytics system. Paper presented at the AECT International Convention, Kansas Ciity, MO, USA, 23-10-2018.
Schumacher, C., Schön, D., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). Evidenzbasierte Implementation eines Dashboards mit Learning Analytics Funktionen in ein bestehendes Lernmanagementsystem. Paper presented at the DeLFI, Frankfurt, HE, Germany, 10-09-2018.
Schumacher, C., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). Why learning analytics need to care for motivational dispositions of students. Paper presented at the AERA Anual Meeting, New York, NY, USA, 13-04-2018.
Schön, D., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). Prompting in pseudonymised learning analytics – implementing learner centric prompts in legacy systems with high privacy requirements. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 15-03-2018.