Top Position for Mannheim Business Professors in Wirtschaftswoche's Research Ranking

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg has once again been awarded the top position in the WirtschaftsWoche research ranking, category “Lifetime Achievement”. Senior Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Weber takes third place in the same category.

Prof. Christian Homburg and Senior Professor Weber are followed in the ranking of the top 250 researchers in the “Lifetime Achievement” category by Mannheim researchers Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D. (14th place), Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl (68th place), Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel (79th place), Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen (132nd place) and Prof. Ernst Maug, Ph.D. (165th place).

The list of the top 100 professors in terms of current research performance, measured over the last 5 years, includes Prof. Homburg (63rd place) and Prof. Heinzl (84th place).

The ranking of the most research-intensive professors is published every two years in WirtschaftsWoche. It covers the publications of researchers working at chairs, Fraunhofer and Max Planck Institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The data source is the bibliometric web portal Forschungsmonitoring, which is operated by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich.

The ranking can be accessed online with a subscription to WiWo+. The article can also be accessed via the University of Mannheim's web access via the university library's WISO database.
