The Mannheim “Schloss”, that combines baroque style on the outside with modern equipment on the inside, is besides the outstanding teaching offer by far not the only argument for studying Business Administration in Mannheim. Student initiatives, innovative events and a diverse offer of leisure activities distinguish the life on and around the Mannheim campus.
Economy, social projects and inter-culturalism: Besides practical experience, student initiatives also provide the opportunity to network with fellow students, as well as companies. Many business students are active in one or more of the numerous student initiatives at the University of Mannheim. The large variety provides the right engagement for everyone. Here you can find interviews with representatives of selected initiatives with an economic focus.
Educational opportunities still depend to a great extent on the educational biography of the own family. If parents went to a secondary school, the chance that their children will also attend such a school is six times higher. Other children, however, struggle to reach a secondary school diploma. This makes it very important to support children in primary school individually and continuously. For this reason, the Kinderhelden gGmbH, the Mannheim Mozart School and the University of Mannheim Business School have teamed up to create a special project: A group of 40 children in the third and fourth grade, before the transition to secondary school, is supported by a learning guide.