The application and selection process is assessed by our selection committee. The following information is intended to help you gain a clear understanding of the selection process. Only the content of the selection statutes is legally binding.
Your next opportunity to apply is from 1 April to 15 May 2025 for the following fall semester 2025/
Admission requirements
You must meet all the listed requirements in order for your application to be considered. Applications that do not meet all the stated requirements will not be considered in the selection process!
- Bachelor’s degree with at least 180 ECTS or 3 years of study (please contact the admissions office for questions regarding foreign degrees)
- Knowledge of pure business administration amounting to at least 36 ECTS from a recognized university
- Confirmation of C1-level English language skills
- ONLY for applications for the German-English track: Confirmation of C1-level German language skills
Selection criteria
If you meet all admission requirements, we will evaluate your application according to precisely defined selection criteria. Only the criteria listed below will be rated in the selection process. The position in the ranking will determine who is admitted. If you do not meet a selection criterion, you will not receive any points for it, but you will still participate in the selection process.
- Final grade of the initial degree (max. 60 points)
- GMAT Exam (Focus edition) Score of at least 555 points, GMAT Exam (10th edition) score of at least 600 points, or equivalent GRE score (max. 60 points)
- Semester or study program abroad (22 points)
- Prior study-relevant experience such as work experience, internships etc. (max 6 points)
FAQ Admission Requirements
Bachelor's degree, previous knowledge of business administration, language certificates
The results of my bachelor’s degree cannot be accessed until after the end of the application period. Can I still submit my application?
If your bachelor’s certificate has not been issued by the end of the application period, you can still apply if you can provide evidence that you have successfully completed at least 140 ECTS at that point in time. You can resubmit your bachelor’s certificate until the start of the first exam registration period (approx. Mid-October). With less than 140 ECTS, your application unfortunately cannot be considered.
I did not study business administration in my bachelor’s degree and I am not sure if I meet the admission requirement “36 ECTS in business administration”. How can I find out whether I meet the requirement?
If you can prove that, throughout your studies, you acquired at least 140 ECTS in total, with 36 ECTS from business administration courses, you can still apply for the MMM without having a degree in business administration. More detailed information on which courses are taken into consideration can be found in our fact sheet. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to precheck your application due to capacity reasons. During the selection process, your application will be carefully checked to see whether you meet all the admission requirements.
What can I do if my prior knowledge of business administration is not sufficient?
The MMM is a consecutive master’s degree and thus requires prior knowledge in business administration. It is sadly not possible to make up the missing knowledge while studying the MMM and we do not offer any preparatory courses. Your prior knowledge does not, however, need to come from the bachelor’s degree you originally used in your application. You could, for example, gain the knowledge from a different course of study at a recognized university and then apply again once you have managed to get the 36 ECTS from that course.
The grades for my business administration courses have not been made available yet and the application deadline is almost over. Can I still apply without these grades?
It is sufficient for you to specify in the application portal that you have registered for your exams. Verification of your passed exams must be handed in by mid-October, otherwise your admission will be revoked. It is vital you list all your registered exams relevant for the admission requirement in the online application, so that we can take these courses and the knowledge in Business Administration you have acquired in them into consideration.
I studied at a university of applied sciences/
cooperative state university. Will this put me at a disadvantage in the selection process? We must not make a distinction between the different types of universities in the selection process. The bachelor’s degrees are legally equal. Moreover, we have plenty of students in the program who did not complete their bachelor’s degree at a university and still perform excellently in the MMM. That is why we would like to encourage people from all types of higher education institutions to apply.
How can I prove my level of English language skills?
An overview of which tests to confirm your English language skills we accept can be found on our fact sheet and in the selection statutes. Other tests and certificates (e.g. language certificates from your high school, the DAAD or from language schools) will not be accepted. If you want to prove your knowledge through a degree that was completed at least 40% in English, please use our form. Please also remember that your certificates cannot be more than 2 years old. (cut-off-day: last day of application period)
Can I submit confirmation of my English language skills at a later time if I have not received it by the end of the application period?
Yes, the confirmation of your English language skills can be submitted late until 15 August of the application year. If you are accepted, please upload it along with your matriculation documents in the application portal. Electronically transmitted tests from official test providers will automatically be assigned to your application, you will receive confirmation of this.
Do I need to submit confirmation of my German language skills if I also have German citizenship? Which types of confirmation are accepted?
If you have German citizenship or an all-German university entrance qualification, there is no need for any type of language confirmation. An overview of the accepted types of confirmation can be found here.
How many points will I receive for my bachelor’s grade?
My certificate does not show my average grade. How can I calculate it?
I did not complete my bachelor’s degree in Germany. How will my grade be assessed?
International grades will be recalculated into the German grade system using the standardized “Modified Bavarian Formular”. You will not have to do this yourself. If the grades in your transcript of records differ from the German system, please upload information on the corresponding grading system. Details about the grading system can often be found on the back of the transcript of records. In order to calculate what your German grade would be, we will need to know what the highest possible grade and the lowest passing grade in your university is. Please take note of the country-specific information provided by the admissions office.
What happens if my average grade changes after the end of the application period, e.g. because the grade of my bachelor’s thesis is added to it?
During the selection process, only the average grade which is specified in your transcript of records is of importance. If your grade improves or worsens, the results of your application will not change. In the event of an acceptance, you will have to submit your bachelor’s certificate by mid-October, to prove that you did indeed graduate. Your grade at that time, however, is irrelevant.
Do I need to pass the GMAT/
GRE? The GMAT and GRE are not admissions requirements. You can apply without having passed the tests. However, the GMAT test score is an important part of the selection criteria for the MMM. You will receive ranking points if your GMAT Exam (Focus edition) / GMAT Focus total score is above 555 or your GMAT Exam (10th edition) total score is above 600 points. A good test score can considerably increase your chances of being accepted. In addition to the GMAT, you may also submit an equivalent GRE score. Information on the conversion of your GRE scores into an equivalent GMAT Exam (10th edition) score can be found here.
GMAT Exam (10th edition), GMAT Exam (Focus edition), and GRE are recognized equally by us. It does not matter for your application chances which of the tests you submit. For all tests we equally accept the on-side as well as the home edition.
How can I verify the results of my GMAT or GRE score?
Once you have finished your test, you can select specific universities and schools to which your results will be sent. Sending the results usually takes 7 days, however, it can sometimes take up to 20 days for them to arrive. Please keep in mind that the results must have arrived here by the end of the application period, on 15 May, to be considered. We only accept electronically submitted Official Score Reports directly from the test provider. Preliminary copies, photos or the “Unofficial Score Report”, which you will receive on the day of the test, are not accepted. So remember to include enough time for the results to be sent. Your test results will be valid for 5 years.
Test-Codes for the MMM: GMAT: VLC-95-04 / GRE: 2620
How many ranking-points will I earn form my GMAT/
GRE- results? GMAT Exam (10th Edition)
GMAT Exam (10th Edition) test result Ranking points
from 730
from 720
from 710
from 700
from 690
from 680
from 670
from 660
from 650
from 640
from 630
from 620
from 610
from 600
GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) / GMAT Focus
GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) / GMAT Focus test result
Ranking points
from 685
from 675
from 665
from 655
from 645
from 635
from 625
from 615
from 605
from 595
from 585
from 575
from 565
from 555
Information on the conversion of your GRE-scores into an equivalent GMAT exam (10th edition) score can be found here.
Which parts of the GMAT will be assessed for the MMM application?
How do you define a semester or study program abroad?
How many courses should I have attended abroad? Do they have to involve business administration?
Do internships abroad, high school exchanges or other stays abroad like work & travel count as study abroad?
How do I provide proof of a semester or study abroad?
Please upload the transcript of records from your host university as proof. This shows us that you were enrolled at a foreign university and that you passed at least one course there. You can find further information here.
If you have completed an entire course of study abroad, be sure to upload your university entrance qualification in addition to your transcript of records so that we can establish that your high school graduation and course of study took place in different countries.
How will I receive points for practical experience?
You will receive points if your experience was related to or in the field of business administration. The length of your experience must correspond to at least one month of full time work, that is at least 158 hours (39,5 h * 4 weeks = 158 hours). The minimum amount of hours can also, of course, have been acquired over a wider timeframe, e.g. if you worked part-time for several months.
How will prior practical experience be rated?
How can I prove my practical experience?
The easiest way would be to ask your employer to fill out and sign the form provided by the admissions office. Alternatively, you could also submit confirmation from the employer (such as an internship certificate) if it clearly states the duration (beginning, end and weekly hours) of your employment. You can find further information here.
I am self-employed. How can I prove my practical experience?
My internship will not be completed until after the end of the application period. Will this still count?
We can only consider the time that you will have actually worked until the time of the application deadline. Work that you will complete “in the future” cannot be considered. In case your internship is still ongoing, you can fill out the form provided by the admissions office or submit an interim employment reference. Salary statements are not required if your interim reference indicates when you began the internship. Salary statements along with a work contract can be considered as a confirmation for practical experience.
When can I apply for the MMM?
You can apply once a year, in spring, for the following fall semester. An application for the spring semester is not possible. Your next opportunity to apply is expected to be from 1 April to 15 May 2025 for the following fall semester. However, we do reserve the right to make changes. Consequently, please remember to regularly check the website of the admissions office for any changes.
How can I apply?
The application is done exclusively online, directly through our application portal. Please do not send any documents via post. The admissions office of the University of Mannheim is responsible for the application portal and the inspection of your application. Please take note of the information provided on their website and directly contact the office’s team if you have any further questions.
Which documents are required for the application?
Please check the information on the website of the admissions office.
What are the two tracks of study (German-English / English) and which one should I apply for?
There are two tracks in the MMM: the German-English track and the English track. When you apply, you make a binding decision for one of the two tracks; a parallel application or a change after admission is not possible. 80% of the places are reserved for the German-English track and 20% of the places for the English track. Since the field of applicants changes from year to year, we are unfortunately unable to give any indication in which track you have a better chance of being admitted.
All mandatory courses as well as most business electives in the MMM (approx. 85%) are in English. Some courses and especially most electives, however, are only offered in German. Information on this can be found in the module catalog. Students in the German-English track are free to take the full range of courses, but there is no obligation to take any courses in German. Students in the English track are not allowed to take German courses, even if they can speak German. They have to complete the whole program in English. We recommend that German-speaking applicants apply for the German-English track so that they can choose from the entire range of courses (including all electives).
If you do not have German citizenship, a German high school diploma or a German university degree, you must provide evidence of very good German language skills (C1) for the German-English Track. A list of accepted proofs can be found here. For both tracks, proof of English proficiency (C1) is required. Please refer to the selection statute or our fact sheet to find out which proofs we accept.
Can I apply for the German-English and the English track at the same time?
Does it matter when I send in my application?
No, it is irrelevant for your chances of admission when you send us your application, as long as it is within the application period. However, we recommend that you send your application as early as possible in the application period. If your application goes through our review process before the application deadline (May 15) and is provisionally rejected due to missing or incorrect documents, you may still have the opportunity to withdraw your application and submit a new one. However, you are not entitled to have your documents checked before the application deadline.
When will I receive the results of my application?
Generally, you will be informed of your admissions status 4 to 6 weeks after the end of the application period through the application portal. If your application did not meet all of the requirements and was thus not considered, you can be notified earlier. We can only inform you of your admission or rejection once we have looked over every application and established our ranking. That means you will not be informed earlier even if you applied early, as all applications will be directly compared.
Can I submit a letter of recommendation or motivational letter to increase my chances of being accepted?
No, please only hand in the documents specified for the application. Additional documents, such as letters of recommendation or motivational letters, will not be taken into consideration. You can find an overview of the required documents with many helpful tips on the website of the admissions office.
How high are my chances of being accepted to the MMM?
Every year, we have around 400 places for the MMM. The exact amount of places is decided by the State of Baden-Württemberg. There is no minimal amount of points you need to achieve in the ranking. We directly compare applicants according to their ranking-points and only admit the best applicants. For the ranking, only the stated criteria from the selection statutes (final grade, GMAT or GRE, study abroad and practical experience) are taken into consideration. Please keep in mind that the University of Mannheim is one of the best Business Schools in Germany and high grades in your bachelor’s degree are expected. As the quantity and quality of applications varies from year to year, your individual chances for admission cannot be assessed. Your chances depend on your fellow applicants. Please understand that we cannot publish the results from previous years for this reason.
Can I submit a confirmation after the application deadline?
Only your English language confirmation and your bachelor’s certificate can be submitted after the application deadline (15 May). In the case of your admission, you will be required to show the documents by a certain deadline, otherwise your admission will be revoked. The documents that are relevant for the ranking (GMAT/GRE-results, study abroad, practical experience and the Transcript of Records) must be submitted by the end of the application period to be considered, as we immediately begin with the ranking. Please remember that, for reasons of equality and in order to send out the results as fast as possible, we do not make any exceptions to the rules.
Program Management
Online Info Sessions
Admissions Office
Examination Committee
Questions related to Study Abroad Options
International Degree-Seeking Students
Business School Student Council
More information
At this point we have collected further helpful links for you on the following topics:
Tuition fees and semester contributions
Finding an apartment