Information for Doctoral Students

Interested in a doctorate at one of our Chairs? Please contact the respective Chair directly and ask for information concerning the position as a research assistant or the possibility of an external doctorate. General information can be found below and in the doctoral regulations.


  • Step 1: Agreement with Supervisor

    Together with your supervisor, please fill out the Supervision Agreement. Make copies and send the original to the Dean’s Office, togehter with the admission request (Step 2).

  • Step 2: Requesting admission as a doctoral student

    Please submit an admission request as a doctoral candidate and enclose the documents listed on page 6.

    If you fulfil the requirements for acceptance and your Supervision Agreement has been accepted, the Dean's Office sends out a confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate. Please subscribe to the newsletter!

  • Step 3: Write your thesis

  • Step 4: Register for the oral examination

    After you have successfully completed your thesis, please set a date for the oral examination (defense) of your dissertation with your supervisor and inform the Dean’s Office regarding date, time and location. Submit an informal request to the Dean in good time before the intended defense and hand in the following:

    If you want to speed up the process of obtaining the permission to print after the oral examination, you may submit the request at this time (see step 6 for details).

    After you have successfully applied for the doctoral examination, the Dean’s Office will coordinate the following:

    • Acceptance of the doctoral dissertation by the evaluators (section 9 subsection 3 and 4 of the Regulations)
    • Public display (2 weeks, if the public display is during the lecture period; 4 weeks, if the public display is during the lecture-free period)
    • Acceptance of the doctoral dissertation (if no one objects to it during the display period)
  • Step 5: Oral examination

    For the oral examination, the Dean’s Office takes care of the following:

    • Appoint group of examiners
    • Send invitations to examiners and candidates
    • Preparation of examination forms and certificates
  • Step 6: Request for printing permission of the doctoral dissertation

    Please submit a request to the Dean regarding the printing permission of the doctoral dissertation. Together with the request, please hand in the title page of your dissertation (front and back) and a short CV that will be placed at the very back of your thesis (sample). After having received your documents, the Dean's Office will seek written consent of your evaluators. Once these have arrived, the Dean will issue you a printing permission. You can then arrange printing and deliver your mandatory printed copies in DIN A5 format (210 mm x 148 mm) to the Dean's Office. Please note the different ways of publishing.

    Please note that all changes on title page and CV need to be approved by your evaluators. Details on number and format of the mandatory copies can be found in your printing permission.

    After delivering the mandatory copies, we will send you the official certificate as soon as it is available.

Newsletter for Doctoral Students

Sign up for the newsletter for doctoral students and regularly receive offers for workshops, professional trainings and events, exclusively for doctoral students of the Business School: go to registration site.

Doctoral student representatives

Here you'll find the homepage of the doctoral student representatives at the University of Mannheim.

View the website


Natalie Holm, Dipl.-Kffr.

Natalie Holm, Dipl.-Kffr.

Doctoral Student Advisor, Commencement Ceremonies
University of Mannheim
Dean's Office of the Business School
L 5, 5 – Room 203 (2nd floor)
68161 Mannheim