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Dr. Liane Weitert

Dr. Liane Weitert

Head of Communications
University of Mannheim
Dean's Office of the Business School
L 5, 5 – Room 001 (ground floor)
68161 Mannheim

Business School News

“Brattle Group First Prize” for Ernst Maug
Finance professor Ernst Maug, Ph.D., wins one of the most prestigious research awards in Corporate Finance
Door arch with golden decorations, BWL entrance
Top Position for Mannheim Business Professors in Wirtschaftswoche's Research Ranking
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg has once again been awarded the top position in the WirtschaftsWoche research ranking, category “Lifetime Achievement”. Senior Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Weber takes third place in the same category.
Prof. Stahl steht vor einem Bücherregal und hält einen Preis. Er hat kurze blonde Haare und trägt ein weißes Hemd. Prof. Glenk steht vor einem Whiteboard und hält einen Preis. Er hat kurze braune Haare und trägt ein Jackett
Research prizes awarded by the Mannheim Business School
Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl is awarded the “Best Senior Researcher Award 2022”. Prof. Dr. Gunther Glenk receives the “Best Junior Researcher Award 2022”.
Zu sehen ist eine Collage mit Fotos der Aktivitäten des Centers im Jahr 2024. In der Mitte steht die Jahreszahl 2024.
Year in Review 2024 – A Remarkable Year for the Mannheim Center for Data Science
The year 2024 was marked by exciting events, inspiring lectures, and successful initiatives at the Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS). With a focus on advancing research, teaching, and networking in this crucial field, the MCDS reflects on a dynamic year characterized by engagement, innovation, ...
The M2Olie Research team, consisting of four persons, stands in front of the Mannheim Palace.
M²OLIE Research Campus Successfully Enters Final Funding Phase
In September, the M²OLIE research campus received the gratifying news that the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) had followed the recommendation of the jury of the ‘Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation’ funding initiative. This means that the third ...
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor: German Companies Skeptical about the Bureaucracy Reduction Act – Most Companies Do Not Expect Any Noticeable Relief
The federal government wants to ease the burden on the German economy with numerous new laws. According to the latest results of the German Business Panel (GBP), however, companies in Germany are cautious about the effects of the Fourth Bureaucracy Reduction Act (Viertes Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz ...
Door arch with golden decorations, BWL entrance
Successful Acquisition of New Funding for Financial Education Research at the University of Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea, Prof. Dr. Tabea Bucher-Koenen and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi receive funding for the EvaFin project.