Stefano Balietti, Ph.D.

Stefano Balietti, Ph.D.

Post-Doktorand am Lehr­stuhl für Data Science in den Wirtschafts- und Sozial­wissenschaften



  • consensus formation, social influence, and polarization;
  • governance in blockchain systems;
  • incentives schemes for collective intelligence, in particular peer review systems;
  • optimal experimental designs, Bayesian optimization with Gaussian processes;
  • socio-economic inequality, perception thereof and its externalities;
  • philosophy of science, in particular Paul Feyerabend's body of work.


2019–2022 Alfred-Weber Institute of Economics at Heidelberg University, Postdoc; Center for European Social Science Research at Mannheim University (MZES), Fellow
2018–2019 Microsoft Research Computational Social Science, Postdoc Researcher
2016–2018 Northeastern Network Science Institute and fellow at Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Postdoc
2015 ETH Zurich, Postdoc in the group of Computational Social Science
2011–2015 ETH Zurich, PhD student in the group of Computational Social Science
2009–2011 ETH Zürich, Research Assistant at the Chair of Sociology in particular Modelling and Simulation
2005–2008 University Politecnica Delle Marche, M.Sc Economics and Corporate
2002–2005 University of Bologna B.Sc Internet Science,

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