Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsinformatik
heinzl uni-mannheim.de
Bild: Siegfried Herrmann
- IT Outsourcing, Governance und Cloud Computing
- Digital Innovation (Plattform Ökosysteme, agile Softwareentwicklung und Conversational Agents)
- Human-Computer-Interfaces und Anthropomorphismus
- Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen (mobile Gesundheitsanwendungen, KI-gesteuerte Entscheidungsautomatisierung und -erweiterung)
- Plattform-Ökosysteme
- Agile Softwareentwicklung und Koordination in Multi-Team-Systemen
- Digitalisierung
- Block Chain
- Open Source Communities
- Menschliches Informationsverhalten (Technology Use und Adoption, Soziale Identität und User Resistenz)
1986 | Diplom-Kaufmann (M.Sc. in Business Administration), Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main |
1990 | Dr. rer. pol., WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar |
1995 | Dr. habil., WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar |
1996-2002 | Professor and Chairperson in Business Administration and Information Systems, University of Bayreuth |
Seit 2002 | Professor and Chairperson in Business Administration and Information Systems, Universität Mannheim |
Seit 2003 | Member of the Executive Board of Baden-Württemberg Connected (bwcon) |
2005–2007 | Co-Founder and Managing Academic Director, Mannheim Business School gGmbH |
2010–2016 | Member of the Supervisory Board of the UBS Europe SE |
Seit 2015 | Executive Director of the Institute for Enterprise Systems at the Universität Mannheim |
Seit 2016 | Co-Founder and Academic Director at the Digital Academy@MBS GmbH |
Ausgewählte Mitgliedschaften
- Association of Information Systems (AIS)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) e.V.
- Baden-Württemberg Connected (bwcon) e.V.
Preise, Auszeichnungen, Ehrungen
- 2015 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting Best Paper Notification
- 2009 Fifty Years Best Paper Award Wirtschaftsinformatik/Business Information Systems Engineering (BISE)
- 2001 Best Paper Award at the European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Aerospace (Evoflight)
- 1993 Dissertation Recognition Prize of the German Association for Organization (GfürO)
- 1983 Scholar of the Reemtsma Foundation for the Gifted
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Pieper, M., Fallon, M. und Heinzl, A. (2024). Micro-randomized trials in information systems research: An experimental method for advancing knowledge about our dynamic and digitalized world. Journal of Information Technology : JIT.
- Rink, J., Szabo, K., Hoyer, C., Saver, J. L., Nour, M., Audebert, H. J., Kunz, W. G., Froelich, M. F., Heinzl, A., Tschalzev, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O. und Tollens, F. (2024). Mobile stroke units services in Germany: A cost-effectiveness modeling perspective on catchment zones, operating modes, and staffing. European Journal of Neurology, 1–9.
- Rink, J., Tollens, F., Tschalzev, A., Bartelt, C., Heinzl, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O., Marzina, A., Sandikci, V., Wiegand, C., Hoyer, C. und Szabo, K. (2024). Establishing an MSU service in a medium-sized German urban area — clinical and economic considerations. Frontiers in Neurolgy, 15, 1–9.
- Grebe, M., Franke, M. R. und Heinzl, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence: how leading companies define use cases, scale-up utilization, and realize value. Informatik-Spektrum, 46, 197–209.
- Oberste, L. und Heinzl, A. (2023). User-centric explainability in healthcare: A knowledge-level perspective of informed machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 4, 840–857.
- Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K. und Heinzl, A. (2022). Identity threats as a reason for resistance to artificial intelligence: Survey study with medical students and professionals. JMIR Formative Research, 6, 1–15.
- Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K. und Heinzl, A. (2022). Radiologists’ usage of diagnostic AI systems : The role of diagnostic self-efficacy for sensemaking from confirmation and disconfirmation. Business & Information Systems Engineering : BISE, 64, 293–309.
- Mateja, D. und Heinzl, A. (2022). Computergestützte Kreativität. In Handbuch Digitalisierung (S. 229–250). München: Vahlen.