ACC / TAX 920 Brown Bag Seminar: 1. „How Do Non-Performing Loans Evolve along the Economic Cycle? The Role of Macroeconomic Conditions and Legal Efficiency“
The next Brown Bag Seminar in Accounting & Taxation will take place next Wednesday, 3 November in Lecture Hall O 131 and in parallelvia ZOOM.
The seminar is held from 1:45 pm to 3:30 pm.
Jannis Bischof (with Nicolas Rudolf and Wilhelm Schmundt)is presenting the title„How Do Non-Performing Loans Evolve along the Economic Cycle? The Role of Macroeconomic Conditions and Legal Efficiency“, (60 minutes).
Anna Theresa Bührle (with Elisa Casi, Barbara Stage and Johannes Voget) is presenting the title „The Value of a Loss: Restricting Tax Loss Transfers and its Impact on Acquisition Activity”, (45 minutes).
External participants please contact Zdenka Pospisil (acccap) for ZOOM-Link and paper.