ACC / TAX 920 Brown Bag Seminar: „Who are You Doing Business With? Beneficial Ownership Disclosure and Public Procurement”
The next Brown Bag Seminar in Accountung & Taxation will take place next Wednesday, 8 SEPTEMBER in LECTURE HALL O 131 and in parallel VIA ZOOM.
The seminar is held from 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm. The focus should be on in-class participation this term again, if possible.
CAROL SEREGNI is presenting the title “Who are You Doing Business With? Beneficial Ownership Disclosure and Public Procurement”, (90 Minutes).
External participants please contact Zdenka Pospisil (acccap) for ZOOM-Link.
Regarding the maximum capacity of the lecture hall, there is no upper limit of in-class participants. However, in-person attendants need to bring a Classroom Pass (Hörsaalpass) which needs to be collected in the Classroom Center in EW 086 after showing a 3G proof. Detailed information can be found here:
Further, all in-class participants need to wear a medical-grade mask during the entire seminar.