OPM/ IS 910 Prof. Dr. Kai-Lung Hui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
im Rahmen des CDSB Research Seminars freuen wir uns, Herrn Prof. Dr. Kai-Lung Hui von der Hong Kong University of Science and Technology bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Am Mittwoch, den 04.10. hat Herr Prof. Dr. Hartmut Höhle ihn eingeladen von 12:30 bis 13:30 Uhr einen Vortrag zum Thema „Strategic Interaction Between Crowd and In-house Contributions: Evidence from the Internet Bug Bounty Program“ zu halten.
Soliciting undesignated external contributors (“crowd contributors”) to supplement in-house contributors to tackle business and societal challenges has become a popular trend. However, it remains unclear whether incentivizing crowd contributors affects the work output of inhouse contributors; the factors that may drive this influence are also unknown. To shed light on these issues, we analyze the experience of a specific information security crowdsourcing program, the Internet Bug Bounty (IBB) as a natural experiment. Applying a difference-indifferences strategy, we find that the implementation of the IBB has disincentivized in-house contributors to work on the crowdsourced task (i.e., bug reporting) and their contributions to tasks that the IBB incentive does not apply (i.e., enhancement reporting). The evidence suggests that an increase in competition from crowd contributors and a decrease in opportunities to benefit from inter-task learning collectively account for the decline in contributions by in-house contributors. We evaluate other potential reasons, such as the loss of interest or an excessive number of contributions that in-house contributors need to handle after the introduction of the IBB, but they cannot explain our empirical findings. We discuss the implications of our findings for crowdsourcing research and practice, incentivizing contributions to digital public goods, and the future of work.
Speaker Bio
Kai-Lung Hui is Senior Associate Dean, Elman Family Professor of Business, and Acting Head and Chair Professor in the Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management at the HKUST Business School. He is also the Director of the Center for Business and Social Analytics (CBSA) and Academic Director of the HKUST EMBA Program for Chinese Executives and Kellogg-HKUST EMBA program.
Professor Hui’s research interests include cybercrime economics and policy, Fintech, privacy, IT policy, and electronic commerce. He has provided expert advice and consultancy services to various government and non-government organizations and companies. He obtained his BBA and PhD degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.