CfP: Inclusive Education in the Age of AI

This special edition in Internet and Higher Education ( aims to gather cutting-edge research and thought leader­ship on how AI can be harnessed to address educational inequities and promote inclusivity in Higher Education.

In a rapidly evolving technological era that impacts every facet of our lives, the potential of AI to reshape education is vast and largely untapped. However, as we navigate this digital trans­formation, it is paramount to ensure that these advancements act as a bridge to greater educational equity, rather than exacerbating existing disparities.

This special edition seeks to curate cutting-edge research and thought leader­ship focusing on harnessing AI’s potential to address educational disparities and foster inclusivity. We welcome contributions from diverse fields, including empirical studies, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives.

Key emerging issues to explore include AI-powered language learning and trans­lation tools, the democratization of high-quality education, policy and ethical considerations, AI-enhanced curriculum design and assessment for equitable learning, AI literacy and emerging trends and future perspectives. This special issue serves as a platform for robust discussions and the generation of actionable insights that will shape the future of AI in higher education and learning.

Guest editors:

Prof. Xiaoqing Gu
East China Normal University

Ms. Maria Vieira
University of South Australia

Dr. Srecko Joksimovic
University of South Australia

Prof. Grace Oakley
The University of Western Australia

Prof. Dirk Ifenthaler
University of Mannheim
