CfP: Reciprocal Issues of Artificial and Human Intelligence in Education

Submit a manuscript to the Journal of Research on Technology in Education for a Special Issue on Reciprocal Issues of Artificial and Human Intelligence in Education.


With the emerging opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI), learning and teaching may be supported in situ and in real-time for more efficient and valid solutions. Hence, AI have the potential to further revolutionise the integration of human and artificial intelligence and impact human and machine collaboration during learning and teaching (Seeber et al., 2020; Wesche & Sonderegger, 2019). The discourse around utilisation of AI in education shifted from being narrowly focused on automation-based tasks to augmentation of human capabilities linked to learning and teaching (Chatti et al., 2020). As such, AI systems are capable of analysing large datasets, including unstructured data, in real-time, and detect patterns or structures that can be used for intelligent human decision-making in learning and teaching situations (Baker, 2016).

This special issue in Journal of Research on Technology in Education will address the reciprocal issues when augmenting human intelligence with machine intelligence in K-12 and higher education. The manuscripts can be conceptual articles based on critical analysis and significant review of literature (systematic or scoping reviews) or empirical studies(quantitative or qualitative) with novelty and originality aiming at advancing scientific knowledge and research in the area of artificial intelligence in education.

Topics of interests for this special issue include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Augmentation of human and machine intelligence for supporting learning and teaching
  • Supporting formative and summative assessment as well as related interventions including humans and machines
  • Ethics, algorithmic trust and bias, privacy, and data security in AI supported learning and teaching
  • Competences needed for human and machine collaboration in learning and teaching
  • Development, implementation, and evaluation of interfaces supporting interaction of human and machine intelligence in learning and teaching processes
  • Technical and algorithmic solutions considering data sources and pedagogical requirements for the integration of human and artificial intelligence

Submission Instructions

This call solicits research articles that address one or more of the areas of focus listed above. Prospective authors (co-authors are welcome) are invited to submit a proposal, including title, authors, affiliations, abstract describing the content of the article (max. 500 words), five keywords, three key references, and 2–3 sentences describing how the article fits the theme of the special issue (see above), no later than 15 November 2021. Please submit the proposal as a single PDF document including all required information using the online submission form:

Important dates

15 November 2021Proposal submission
15 December 2021Decision on abstracts and invitation of full manuscript submissions
01 April 2022Submission of full manuscript
01 June 20221st review comments for manuscripts available (additional review cycles where needed)
01 November 2022Submission of final manuscript

Please use the following link for your inquires and submissions:
