Welcome to the fall semester 2021!

The team of the Endowed Chair of Procurement warmly welcomes all new and previous students to the new fall semester. We hope everyone is enjoying the summer break and collecting energy for the start of the teaching period in September. We are already getting into the starting blocks and preparing the upcoming courses.
Check out our fall semester course offerings or directly put the following kickoff sessions in your calendar:
- First session of OPM 591 Strategic Procurement: Monday, September-06, 12:00 o'clock, in BWL-ZOOM-17
- First session of OPM 691 Supply Risk Management: Thursday, September-09, 10:15 o'clock, in BWL-ZOOM-16
Like in the spring semester, all courses will be delivered as digital live streams. In addition, we also plan some physical meetings, where attendance is voluntary and not required to pass the exams.
If you have any questions about our course offerings or need more information about how to integrate our courses into your studies, please contact us (procurement) – we would be happy to help you find the right mix of operations management courses for your career plans. bwl.uni-mannheim.de
Last but not least, if you are interested in writing your master thesis with us during this semester, please see the current list of topics via our ILIAS group(registration required).