Interim Prof. Dr. habil. Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Head of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Family Firms
jan-philipp.ahrens uni-mannheim.de
- Strategisches und Internationales Management
- Nachhaltigkeit & Nachhaltiges Management
- Leadership
- Familienunternehmensforschung
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management
- Crisis Management
2008 | Diplom-Kaufmann (M.Sc.in Business Administration), Universität Mannheim |
2010–2013 | Dr. rer. pol. (PhD in Business Administration), Universität Mannheim, visiting researcher at Humbolt University Berlin and Ludwig-Maximillians-University Munich |
2016–2024 | PD Dr. habil. rer. pol. (Habilitation), Universität Mannheim |
2021- | Head of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Family Firms, Universität Mannheim |
2024- | Visiting Scholar, Stanford University |
Preise, Auszeichnungen, Ehrungen
- [31] 18th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Workshop on Family Firm Management Research (2023), Nomination for Best Article Award
- [30] 27th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2023), Nomination for Best Article Award
- [29] 27th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2023), Nomination for Best Article Award II
- [28] Nomination “Student council award for good teaching, summer term 2023”, Fachschaft Philo (student council of the philosophical faculty), University of Passau
- [27] Nomination “Award for merits in internationalization 2023”, University of Passau
- [26] “Award for outstanding engagement 2023”, University of Passau
- [25] European Academy of Management, 23th Annual Conference (2023), Nomination for the Most Innovative Article Award of the Family Business Research SIG
- [24] Global Family Business Summit (2023), STEP Project Global Consortium for Family Enterprising, Nomination for the Best Paper Award
- [23] 5th International Family Business Research Forum (2022), Best Contribution to Practice Award
- [22] European Academy of Management, 20th Annual Conference (2020), Best Article of the Family Business Research SIG, Nomination for the EURAM Overall Best Paper Award
- [21] 18th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research – IECER (2020), Best Article Award
- [20] 24th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2020), Nomination for Best Article Award
- [19] Publons (Journal Review Platform) (2020), Excellent Reviewer 2020
- [18] 17th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research – IECER (2019), Best Article Award
- [17] 23th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2019), Nomination for Best Article Award
- [16] 23th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2019), Nomination for Best Article Award (second article)
- [15] Academy of Management, 79th Annual Meeting (2019), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2019
- [14] 4th International Family Business Research Forum (2019), Rosemont International Best Article Award
- [13] Junior Management Science (2019), Best Reviewer Award (Journal)
- [12] 9th Annual Conference of German Family Business Research Institutes (2019), Nomination for the Best Article
- [11] 22th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2018), Nomination for the Best Family Firm Article
- [10] European Academy of Management, 18th Annual Conference (2018), Best Article Award of the Strategic Management SIG
- [09] 21th Interdisciplinary Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Mittelstand (2017), Nomination for the Best Family Firm Article
- [08] 5tes Forum Mittelstandsforschung (2017), Best Article Award
- [07] 2nd International Family Business Research Forum (2016), Best Article Award
- [06] European Academy of Management, 16th Annual Conference (2016), Nomination for Best Article Award of the Family Business Research SIG, Honorable Mention of the Family Business Research SIG
- [05] Woven Publish Prize (2015), University of Mannheim, 2015 (award is given for publications in diversity research)
- [04] Academy of Management, 75th Annual Meeting (2015), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2015
- [03] Family Firm Institute (FFI) – Global Conference (2014), FFI Best Unpublished Research Award 2014
- [02] Family Enterprise Research Conference, 10th Annual Conference (2014), Best Article Award
- [01] European Academy of Management, 13th Annual Conference (2013), Best Article Award of the Family Business Research SIG
Ausgewählte Herausgeber-Aktivitäten
- Associate Editor, Journal of Family Business Strategy
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Cabrol, A., Drobetz, W., Otto, T. und Puhan, T. X. (2024). Predicting corporate bond illiquidity via machine learning. Financial Analysts' Journal : FAJ, 80, 103–127.
- Dreher, A., Lang, V. und Reinsberg, B. (2024). Aid effectiveness and donor motives. World Development, 176, 1–20.
- Dresel, M., Daumiller, M., Spear, J., Janke, S., Dickhäuser, O. und Steuer, G. (2024). Learning from errors in mathematics classrooms: Development over 2 years in dependence of perceived error climate. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1–17.
- Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Neusüß, S., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Abad-Días, D., Abudy, M., Adrian, T., Ait-Sahalia, Y., Akmansoy, O., Alcock, J. T., Alexeev, V., Aloosh, A., Amato, L., Amaya, D., Angel, J. J., Avetikian, A. T., Bach, A., Baidoo, E., Bakalli, G., Bao, L., Barbon, A., Bashchenko, O., Bindra, P. C., Bjønnes, G. H., Black, B. S., Black, J. R., Scharnowski, S. und Theissen, E. (2024). Nonstandard Errors. The Journal of Finance, 79, 2339-2390.
- Aradhye, A., Flesch, J., Staudigl, M. und Vermeulen, D. (2023). Incentive compatibility in sender-receiver stopping games. Games and Economic Behavior, 141, 303–320.
- Daumiller, M., Janke, S., Butler, R., Dickhäuser, O. und Dresel, M. (2023). Merits and limitations of latent profile approaches to teachers' achievement goals: A multi-study analysis. PLOS ONE, 18, 1–24.
- Daumiller, M., Janke, S., Hein, J., Rinas, R., Dickhäuser, O. und Dresel, M. (2023). Teaching quality in higher education : Agreement between teacher self-reports and student evaluations. European Journal of Psychological Assessment : EJPA, 39, 176–181.
- Duvocelle, B., Mertikopoulos, P., Staudigl, M. und Vermeulen, D. (2023). Multiagent online learning in time-varying games. Mathematics of Operations Research, 48, 914–941.
- Franzen, M. M., Alder, M.-L., Dreyer, F., Köpp, W. und Buchholz, M. B. (2023). Being right vs. getting it right: orientation to being recorded in psychotherapeutic interaction as disaffiliative vs. affiliative practice. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1–15.
- Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., Aczel, B., Aditya, Y., Alayan, A. J., Allen, P. J., Altay, S., Alzahawi, S., Amir, Y., Anthony, F.-V., Appiah, O. K., Atkinson, Q. D., Baimel, A., Balkaya-Ince, M., Balsamo, M., Banker, S., Bartoš, F., Becerra, M., Beffara, B., Beitner, J., Bendixen, T., Berkessel, J., Berniūnas, R., Billet, M. I., Billingsley, J., Bortolini, T., Breitsohl, H., Bret, A., Brown, F. L., Brown, J., Brumbaugh, C. C., Buczny, J., Bulbulia, J., Caballero, S., Carlucci, L., Carmichael, C. L., Cattaneo, M. E. G. V., Charles, S. J., Claessens, S., Panagopoulos, M. C., Costa, A. B., Crone, D. L., Czoschke, S., Czymara, C., D'Urso, E. D., Dahlström, ., Dalla Rosa, A., Danielsson, H., De Ron, J., de Vries, Y. A., Dean, K. K., Dik, B. J., Disabato, D. J., Doherty, J. K., Draws, T., Drouhot, L., Dujmovic, M., Dunham, Y., Ebert, T. und Edelsbrunner, P. A. (2023). A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 13, 1–50.
- Kouri, D. P., Staudigl, M. und Surowiec, T. M. (2023). A relaxation-based probabilistic approach for PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty with pointwise state constraints. Computational Optimization and Applications, 85, 441–478.
- Seifried, J. und Dresel, M. (2023). Wie man im Unterricht aus Fehlern lernen kann : Was es braucht, um aus Abweichungen vom Richtigen Lernchancen zu schaffen. Campus Schulmanagement, 2023, 1–4.
- Bach, A., Drechsler, J. und Funck, J. (2022). Die Einordnung von verbrieften derivativen Geschäften unter den steuerlichen Termingeschäftsbegriff am Beispiel von Optionsscheinen. Steuer und Wirtschaft : StuW, 99, 212–225.
- Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Nguyen, H. H. V., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., Alvarez-Benjumea, A., Andersen, H. K., Auer, D., Azevedo, F., Bahnsen, O., Balzer, D., Bauer, G., Bauer, P. C., Baumann, M., Baute, S., Benoit, V., Bernauer, J., Berning, C., Berthold, A., Bethke, F. S., Biegert, T., Blinzler, K., Blumenberg, J. N., Bobzien, L., Bohman, A., Bol, T., Bostic, A., Brzozowska, Z., Burgdorf, K., Burger, K., Busch, K. B., Carlos-Castillo, J., Chan, N., Christmann, P., Connelly, R., Czymara, C., Damian, E., Ecker, A., Edelmann, A., Eger, M. A., Ellerbrock, S., Forke, A., Forster, A., Gaasendam, C., Gavras, K., Gayle, V., Gessler, T., Gnambs, T., Godefroidt, A., Grömping, M., Groß, M., Gruber, S., Gummer, T., Hadjar, A., Heisig, J. P., Hellmeier, S., Heyne, S., Hirsch, M., Hjerm, M., Hochman, O., Hövermann, A., Hunger, S., Hunkler, C., Huth, N. und Ignácz, Z (2022). Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS, 119, 1–8.
- Daumiller, M., Janke, S., Rinas, R., Dickhäuser, O. und Dresel, M. (2022). Need satisfaction and achievement goals of university faculty: an international study of their interplay and relevance. Higher Education, 83, 1183-1206.
- Dreher, A., Lang, V., Rosendorff, B. P. und Vreeland, J. R. (2022). Bilateral or multilateral? : international financial flows and the dirty-work hypothesis. The Journal of Politics : JOP, 84, 1932-1946.
- Dräger, J. (2022). Wealth gaps in education in Germany. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Duvocelle, B., Flesch, J., Staudigl, M. und Vermeulen, D. (2022). A competitive search game with a moving target. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 303, 945–957.
- Ruggeri, K., Panin, A., Vdovic, M., Većkalov, B., Abdul-Salaam, N., Achterberg, J., Akil, C., Amatya, J., Amatya, K., Andersen, T. L., Aquino, S. D., Arunasalam, A., Ashcroft-Jones, S., Askelund, A. D., Ayacaxli, N., Sheshdeh, A. B., Bailey, A., Barea Arroyo, P., Mejía, G. B., Benvenuti, M., Berge, M. L., Bermaganbet, A., Bibilouri, K., Bjørndal, L. D., Black, S., Lyshol, J. K. B., Brik, T., Buabang, E. K., Burghart, M., Bursalıoğlu, A., Buzayu, N. M., Čadek, M., de Carvalho, N. M., Cazan, A.-M., Çetinçelik, M., Chai, V. E., Chen, P., Chen, S., Clay, G., D’Ambrogio, S., Damnjanović, K., Duffy, G., Dugue, T., Dwarkanath, T., Envuladu, E. A., Erceg, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Farahat, E., Farrokhnia, R. A., Fawad, M., Fedryansyah, M., Feng, D., Filippi, S., Fonollá, M. A., Freichel, R., Freira, L., Friedemann, M., Gao, Z., Ge, S., Geiger, S. J. und G (2022). The globalizability of temporal discounting. Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 1386-1397.
- Schwab, C., Frenzel, A. C., Daumiller, M., Dresel, M., Dickhäuser, O., Janke, S. und Marx, A. K. G. (2022). “I’m tired of black boxes!”: A systematic comparison of faculty well-being and need satisfaction before and during the COVID-19 crisis. PLOS ONE, 17, 1–19.