Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl
Lehrstuhl für Organisation und Innovation
hoisl uni-mannheim.de
Bild: Felix Zeiffer
- Organisationale und individuelle Kreativität (z.B. Organisationales Lernen)
- Wissensmanagement (z.B. Wissensakquisition und Wissensrekombination, Open Innovation)
- Arbeitsmarktmobilität
- Strategien für geistiges Eigentum
- P Strategien (z.B. Schutz und Kommerzialisierung von Innovationen)
- Teams
- Wissenschaftsmanagement und -soziologie
- Start-up Finanzierung
- Innovation unter extremen Bedingungen
- Frauen in MINT-Fächern
2002 | Diploma in Business Administration, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich |
2004 | Master of Business Research, LMU Munich |
2006 | Dr. oec. publ., LMU Munich |
2010 | /2011 Visiting Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Management, US |
2011–2015 | Hans-Sauer-Foundation Junior Professor of Invention Processes and Intellectual Property, LMU Munich |
2013 | Habilitation, LMU Munich |
2013–2015 | Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich |
Seit 2014 | Professor in the Economics and Management of Inventive Processes, Copenhagen Business School, DK (part-time) |
2015 | Minerva Position (W2), Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich |
Seit 2015 | Professor of Organization and Innovation, Universität Mannheim |
Ausgewählte Mitgliedschaften
- Academy of Management
- Strategic Management Society
- Organizational Design Community (OCD)
- German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)
- European Policy for Intellectual Property Association (EPIP)
Preise, Auszeichnungen, Ehrungen
- Teaching Award 2020 of the student council of the business faculty, University of Mannheim (2020)
- AoM TIM Best Paper Award, AOM Meeting (2016)
- Jürgen-Hauschildt-Award, TIE Commission (2012)
- DRUID Best Paper Award (2011)
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, AOM Meeting (2011)
- RePEc Ranking Top 100 Economists (5 years or less) (2009)
Ausgewählte Herausgeber-Aktivitäten
- Associate Editor, Mangement Science (from 2021)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (from 2021)
- Associate Editor, Strategic Management Journal (from 2017)
- Member of the Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Discoveries (from 2017)
- Associate Editor, Industrial and Corporate Change (from 2016)
- Member Editorial Board, Strategic Management Journal (from 2016–2017)
- Guest Associate Editor, Management Science (2014)
- Advisory Editor, Research Policy (from 2014)
- Research Committee of the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the AOM (2014–2016)
- EPIP Young Scholar Award (2017–2018)
- AOM TIM Best Paper Awards Committee (2015)
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Colombo, M. G., Guerini, M., Hoisl, K. und Zeiner, N. (2023). The dark side of signals: patents protecting radical inventions and venture capital investments. Research Policy, 52.
- Hoisl, K., Kongsted, H. C. und Mariani, M. (2023). Lost Marie Curies: Parental impact on the probability of becoming an inventor. Management Science, 69, 1714-1738.
- Becker, S., Bergenholtz, C., Bogers, M., Brasseur, T.-M., Conradsen, M. L., Di Marco, D., Distel, A. P., Dobusch, L., Dörler, D., Effert, A., Fecher, B., Filiou, D., Frederiksen, L., Gillier, T., Grimpe, C., Gruber, M., Häussler, C., Heigl, F., Hoisl, K., Hyslop, K., Kokshagina, O., LaFlamme, M., Lawson, C., Lifshitz-Assaf, H., Lukas, W., Nordberg, M., Norn, M. T., Poetz, M., Ponti, M., Pruschak, G., Pujol Priego, L., Radziwon, A., Rafner, J., Romanova, G., Ruser, A., Sauermann, H., Shah, S. K., Sherson, J. F., Suess-Reyes, J., Tucci, C. L., Türtscher, P., Vedel, J. B., Velden, T., Verganti, R., Wareham, J., Wiggins, A. und Xu, S. M. (2022). The Open Innovation in science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach. Industry and Innovation, 29, 136–185.
- Hoisl, K., Lerchenmüller, C., Lerchenmueller, M. J. und Schmallenbach, L. (2022). The power of attention: Early indications of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the direction of scientific research in the life sciences. In Resilience and ingenuity : global innovation responses to Covid-19 (S. 163–173). London: CEPR Press.