ACC/MAN 660: Corporate Sustainability Strategies and Value Creation

The sustainability of a company’s business model is an increasingly important driver of firm value and, therefore, an essential input into the strategy process. This course will teach how sustainability goals can be integrated into strategy development and how this integration creates firm value. Topics include the role of regulation, materiality assessment, sustainability targets, the development of specific measures and flag­ship initiatives, and the interaction with corporate organization and governance. The course also offers an introduction to the link between sustainability strategies and sustainability reporting. Many business cases from different industries will illustrate the real-world impact of the lecture content.

Learning outcomes
Students gain a solid understanding of the relations­hip between corporate sustainability objectives, corporate strategy, and firm value. They develop an economic intuition for the real-world importance of such an integrated approach to corporate sustainability. They also understand how this relations­hip further interacts with factors such as a company’s regulatory environment, internal target setting, corporate organization and governance. They can relate their knowledge to applied business cases.

Necessary prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites
Bachelor-level knowledge of value-based management

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture2 SWS9 SWS
ECTS credits4
Graded yes
Form of assessmentWritten exam (45 min)
Restricted admissionno
Further informationWill be counted towards ACC.
Performing lecturer
Jannis Bischof
Dr. Holger Rubel
Frequency of offeringFall semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationM.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd, M.Sc. VWL, M.Sc. Wirt. Inf., LL.M., MAKUWI, M.Sc. MMFACT
Preliminary course work
Program-specific Competency GoalsCG 1, CG 2, CG 3