Modulkatalog Mannheim Master in Management für das akademische Jahr 2024/2025

Methoden- und Schlüssel­qualifikation

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
CC 501 Decision Analysis: Business Analytics II 6 EN EN
CC 502 Applied Econometrics 6 EN
CC 503 Empirical Methods: Business Analytics I 6 EN EN
CC 504 Corporate Social Responsibility 4 EN EN

Business Economics

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
BE 510 Business Economics I 6 EN
BE 511 Business Economics II 6 EN


Area Accounting and Taxation

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
ACC 510 Jahres­abschluss 8 DE
ACC 520 IFRS Reporting and Capital Markets 8 EN
ACC 530 Group Accounting 8 EN
ACC 540 Financial Statement Analysis & Equity Valuation 8 EN
ACC/MAN 560 Managerial Accounting – Evaluating Financial and Non-Financial Performance 8 EN
ACC/TAX 550 International Course – Accounting and Taxation EN EN
ACC/TAX 570 ESG Regulation and Sustainability Reporting 8 EN
TAX 520 Besteuerung der Unter­nehmen 6 DE
TAX 521 Vertiefung Unter­nehmens­besteuerung 4 DE
TAX 530 Taxation of Businesses and Individuals 6 EN
ACC 620 Accounting for Financial Instruments and Financial Institutions 6 EN
ACC 670 Audit Theory 6 EN
ACC 676 Case Studies on Consulting in Financial Services Firms 4 EN
ACC 680 Disclosure Theory 6 EN
ACC/MAN 660 Corporate Sustainability Strategies and Value Creation 4 EN
ACC/MAN 661 Corporate Sustainability Performance: Measurement, Assessment and Improvement 6 EN
ACC/MAN 662 Private Equity: Due Diligence and Value Creation 6 EN
TAX 611 Fall­studien zur internationalen Unter­nehmens­besteuerung 4 DE
TAX 620 Causal Data Science for Business Decision Making 8 EN
TAX 630 International Business Taxation 6 EN
TAX 631 Internationale Konzernbesteuerung 4 DE
TAX 660 Tax Planning: The Role of Taxes for Business Decisions 6 EN
TAX 661 Case Studies in International Tax Planning 4 EN
ACC 750 Accounting Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN
TAX 730 Seminar in Betriebs­wirtschaft­licher Steuerlehre 6 DE/EN DE/EN

Area Finance

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
FIN 500 Investments 6 EN
FIN 540 Corporate Finance I – Lecture (Capital Structure, Cost of Capital and Valuation) 5 EN
FIN 541 Corporate Finance I – Case Study (Capital Structure, Cost of Capital and Valuation) 5 EN
FIN 550 International Course – Banking, Finance and Insurance EN EN
FIN 555 Financial Markets and Employees 3 EN
FIN 580 Derivatives – Basic Strategies and Pricing 6 EN
FIN 590 Financial Institutions I
no offering in fall 2024/2025
4 EN
FIN 601 Bond Markets
no offering in spring 2025
6 EN
FIN 602 Trading and Exchanges 6 EN
FIN 603 Empirical Finance
no offering in spring 2025
10 EN
FIN 604 Stata in Finance 2 EN EN
FIN 606 FinTech 4 EN
FIN 620 Behavioral Finance 6 EN
FIN 630 Corporate Governance
no offering in fall 2024/2025
6 EN
FIN 640 Corporate Finance II (Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures) 8 EN
FIN 661 Repsonsible Leader­ship for Honors Program Students 4 DE
FIN 682 International Asset Management – Modern Investment Management, Responsible Investing and Fintech 6 EN
FIN 684 Financial Institutions II
no offering in spring 2025
4 EN
FIN 686 Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing
no offering in spring 2025
6 EN
FIN 687 Python in Finance 2 EN EN
FIN 703 Seminar in Financial Markets 6 DE/EN DE/EN
FIN 731 Seminar Corporate Governance 6 EN
FIN 740 Corporate Finance Seminar
no offering in spring 2025
6 EN
FIN 780 Seminar in Asset Management & International Finance 6 EN EN
FIN 790 Seminar in Financial Markets and Financial Institutions
no offering in fall 2024/2025

Area Management

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
ACC/MAN 560 Managerial Accounting – Evaluating Financial and Non-Financial Performance 8 EN
MAN 521 Science Management 4 DE DE
MAN 522 Verantwortung im Management 4 DE DE
MAN 550 International Course – Management EN EN
ACC/MAN 660 Corporate Sustainability Strategies and Value Creation 4 EN
ACC/MAN 661 Corporate Sustainability Performance: Measurement, Assessment and Improvement 6 EN
ACC/MAN 662 Private Equity: Due Diligence and Value Creation 6 EN
MAN 609 Strategic Management between Profit and Purpose – Insights from Hybrid Organisations 4 EN
MAN 626 Entrepreneur­ship and Innovation – Enhancing Access to Capital via Crowdfunding 3 EN
MAN 630 Introduction to Entrepreneur­ship 6 EN
MAN 631 Creativity and Entrepreneur­ship in Practice 6 EN
MAN 632 Advanced Entrepreneur­ship 6 EN
MAN 634 Entrepreneurial Behavior and Crowdfunding Social Ventures 6 EN EN
MAN 638 Employment Relations 4 EN
MAN 639 TRANS­FORM – Innovation & Entrepreneur­ship for Sustainability
no offering in spring 2025
6 EN
MAN 644 Human Resource Training and Development 6 EN
MAN 645 Leader­ship and Motivation 6 EN
MAN 646 HR Analytics 6 EN
MAN 647 Strategic and International Human Resource Management 6 EN
MAN 648 Incentives and Performance 6 EN
MAN 649 Human Resource Recruitment and Selection 6 EN
MAN 654 Corporate Restructuring 6 EN
MAN 655 Corporate Strategy 4 EN
MAN 656 Mergers & Acquisitions 6 EN
MAN 659 Understanding and Tackling Societal Challenges through Management Research 6 EN
MAN 665 Sustainability Management Simulation: Net Zero 2 EN EN
MAN 668 Leader­ship in Organizations 4 EN
MAN 675 Ausgewählte Herausforderungen im Nonprofit Management 6 EN
MAN 676 Ausgewählte Herausforderungen im Public Management 6 DE
MAN 679 Eine wissenschaft­liche Einführung in das Public und Nonprofit Management 6 DE
MAN 680 Challenges of Public and Nonprofit Management – Case Study Seminar 6 EN
MAN 690 Innovation Management 4 EN
MAN 691 Selected Topics in Organizational Behavior 4 EN
MAN 693 Strategic Intellectual Property Management 4 EN
MAN 699 Advanced Topics in Digital Trans­formation 6 EN
MAN 710 Forschungs­seminar Public & Nonprofit Management 6 DE/EN DE/EN
MAN 721 Research Seminar Organization and Innovation 6 EN EN
MAN 741 Research Seminar on Human Resource Management and Leader­ship 6 EN EN
MAN 750 Seminar Corporate Strategy & Governance 6 EN EN
MAN 770 Research Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN
MAN 771 Seminar on Corporate Decarbonization
no offering in spring 2025

Area Marketing and Sales

Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
MKT 510 Price and Product Management 6 EN
MKT 511 Marketing Analytics 6 EN
MKT 512 Designing Data-Driven Business Models 3 EN
MKT 520 Market Research 6 EN
MKT 531 Marketing Theory: Consumer Behavior and Decision Making 4 EN
MKT 545 Customers, Markets and Firm Strategy 6 EN
MKT 550 International Course – Marketing & Sales EN EN
MKT 561 Service Business Model Innovations 4 EN
MKT 575 Marketing Strategy for Innovation & Sustainability 3 EN
MKT 580 Digital Marketing Strategy 6 EN
MKT 612 Business-to-Business-Marketing 2 EN
MKT 614 Marketing Communication
no offering in the academic year 2024/2025
4 EN
MKT 615 Sales Management 4 EN
MKT 616 Grundlagen der Verhandlungs­führung 2 DE
MKT 617 Angewandte Verhandlungs­führung
kein Angebot im Studien­jahr 2024/2025
2 DE
MKT 622 Country Manager
no offering in spring 2025
2 EN
MKT 623 Strategic Marketing Management Simulation
no offering in fall 2024/2025
2 EN
MKT 624 Data Scraping for Analytics and AI using R 4 EN
MKT 661 Consumer Behavior 2 EN
MKT 663 Branding and Brand Management 4 EN
MKT 710 Research Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN
MKT 720 Research Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN
MKT 730 Research Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN
MKT 740 Research Seminar 6 DE/EN DE/EN




Praktische Informatik

Praktische Informatik






Code Modulbezeichnung ECTS-Leistungs­punkte FSS HWS
Module Master­arbeit 24 DE/EN DE/EN