MAN 646: HR Analytics

This course looks at the link between human resource (HR) practices and firm performance. Knowledge and other intangible assets have been shown to provide a source of competitive advantage, but their effects on firm performance are often difficult to quantify. What is the economic value of job performance? How can organizations gain from trainings or improved personnel selection? What are the costs of employee absenteeism and turnover? HR professionals are confronted with such questions, but often lack the necessary skills to find satisfying answers in existing firm data.
The course first introduces analytical approaches to HR measurement and discusses its implementation in an organization’s HR architecture. Second, it aims at providing knowledge on existing empirical evidence regarding the impact of HR practices on firm outcomes. By combining both approaches, the course offers ways to improve decision quality in HR management and demonstrate how HR practices can add value at the level of the firm.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module students will be able to:

  • understand how HR practices can influence firm performance,
  • develop a framework of HR measures and integrate it into a firm’s HR architecture,
  • design means to evaluate HR initiatives, and
  • empirically analyze firm data to estimate the financial impact of HR practices.

Necessary prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites
Module MAN 645 or MAN 647

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture2 SWS8 SWS
Exercise class2 SWS5 SWS
ECTS credits6
Graded yes
Form of assessmentWritten exam (60 min)
Restricted admissionyes
Further information
Performing lecturer
Torsten Biemann
Prof. Dr. Torsten Biemann
Prof. Dr. Torsten Biemann
Frequency of offeringFall semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationM.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd, M.Sc. VWL, M.Sc. Wirt. Inf.
Preliminary course work
Program-specific Competency GoalsCG 1
LiteratureBoudreau, J., Cascio, W., & Fink, A. (2019). Investing in people: Financial Impact of Human Resource Initiatives (Third ed., ProQuest Ebook Central). Chicago.
Course outlineIntroduction
HR Measurement & Analytics
Employee Turnover
Work-Life Programs
Economic Value of Job Performance
Successful Change
High-Performance Teams
Strategic Workforce Planning