Lern- und Qualifikationsziele
Die Teilnehmenden
Notwendige Voraussetzungen
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
Kenntnisse aus Modul TAX 520 oder Modul TAX 530
Lehr- und Lernformen | Lehre | Selbststudium |
Vorlesung | 2 SWS | 9 SWS |
ECTS-Leistungspunkte | 4 |
Benotung | Ja |
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand | 120h |
Sprache | Deutsch |
Prüfungsform und -umfang | Klausur (45 Min.) |
Zulassungsbeschränkt | Nein |
Informationen zur Anmeldung | – |
Geprüft durch Durchführende Lehrkraft | StB Prof. Dr. Stefan Brunsbach Prof. Dr. Stefan Brunsbach |
Häufigkeit des Angebots | Herbst-/Wintersemester |
Dauer des Moduls | 1 Semester |
Verwendbarkeit | M.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd, M.Sc. VWL, M.Sc. Wirt. Inf., LL.M. |
Vorleistungen | – |
Programmspezifische Kompetenzziele | CG 1, CG 2 |
Literatur | Recommended readings:
Gliederung | The content and aim of the course is to provide a practical understanding of the complex issues of international tax law. The course therefore consists of practical cases on the basis of which the problems and opportunities of international tax law are presented in a systematic form and discussed in class. The practical cases cover all areas of international tax law, including treaty and EU law. The focus is on German law and German-US activities and transactions. Course outline: Nexus points of unlimited tax liability Inbound and outbound activities Cross-border financing Transfer pricing Holding structures Partnerships Further practical Cases Current developments in court rulings and legislation |