Spring 2025 planning of the Endowed Chair of Procurement

The team of the Endowed Chair of Procurement hopes all Mannheim students enjoy their winter break and are gathering energy for a successful Spring semester. The start of the semester is still a few weeks down the road, but we would like to highlight already the most important information for a smooth semester start in February.
Check out our spring semester course offerings here or directly put the following dates in your calendar:
- Bachelor students:
- OPM 452 Processes and Strategies of Negotiation (Elective / Wahlpflichtbereich A): Kickoff is Friday, February-14, 08:30 o'clock in SN 169. The exam is scheduled for Friday, April-11, 08:45 – 09:45 o'clock. (Please note: This course is capacity-constrained; central enrollment is mandatory and competition for spaces may occur)
- Mannheim Gap Year (Operations Management Track): Application deadline is Friday, February-28. There is an online information session on January-31, 10:00 o'clock.
- Fully organized excursion to Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg on Friday, February-08 – especially for those who are potentially interested in the Operations Management Track of the Mannheim Gap Year.
- Thesis: Sample topics for a bachelor thesis at our chair can be found here. For those who will write their thesis with us, please note the following dates:
- For BWL: Publication of topics: April-02 / Kickoff: April-08, 13:45 o'clock (in SO 322)
- For Wi.-Päd.: Publication of topics and kickoff meeting: March-17, 08:30 o'clock (in SO 322)
- MMM students:
- OPM 510 Sustainable Operations: Kickoff is Tuesday, March-04, 10:15 o'clock in O 133
- OPM 692 Strategic Sourcing: Kickoff is Tuesday, February-11, 08:30 o'clock in O 145. The course features a case challenge with Porsche AG (10% of final grade).
- Thesis: If you are interested in writing your master thesis with us during this semester, please see the current list of topics via our ILIAS group (registration required).
- Everybody: Save-the-date for one of our semester highlights, the „Wissenschaftliches Symposium Supply Management“ which takes place on Monday,March-10 and Tuesday, March-11. It is entirely free for students. More details in all our courses.