Spring 2025 planning of the Endowed Chair of Procurement

Important information for the courses offered by the Endowed Chair of Procurement in Spring 2025

The team of the Endowed Chair of Procurement hopes all Mannheim students enjoy their winter break and are gathering energy for a successful Spring semester. The start of the semester is still a few weeks down the road, but we would like to highlight already the most important information for a smooth semester start in February.

Check out our spring semester course offerings here or directly put the following dates in your calendar:

  1. Bachelor students:
    • OPM 452 Processes and Strategies of Negotiation (Elective / Wahlpflicht­bereich A): Kickoff is Friday, February-14, 08:30 o'clock in SN 169. The exam is scheduled for Friday, April-11, 08:45 – 09:45 o'clock. (Please note: This course is capacity-constrained; central enrollment is mandatory and competition for spaces may occur)
    • Mannheim Gap Year (Operations Management Track): Application deadline is Friday, February-28. There is an online information session on January-31, 10:00 o'clock.
    • Fully organized excursion to Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg on Friday, February-08 – especially for those who are potentially interested in the Operations Management Track of the Mannheim Gap Year.
    • Thesis: Sample topics for a bachelor thesis at our chair can be found here. For those who will write their thesis with us, please note the following dates:
      • For BWL: Publication of topics: April-02 / Kickoff: April-08, 13:45 o'clock (in SO 322)
      • For Wi.-Päd.: Publication of topics and kickoff meeting: March-17, 08:30 o'clock (in SO 322)
  2. MMM students:
  3. Everybody: Save-the-date for one of our semester highlights, the „Wissenschaft­liches Symposium Supply Management“ which takes place on Monday,March-10 and Tuesday, March-11. It is entirely free for students. More details in all our courses.