Apply at the beginning of your degree in Mannheim and study abroad as an exchange student in your third or fourth semester. More than 100 exchange programs are available to MMM students, with many MBAs and specialized programs among them. Enhance your profile, expand your professional network and strengthen your intercultural skills!
The semester abroad at a glance
Credit: Xenia Münsterkötter
Partner universities
We offer a great variety of exchange programs on the master's level that cater to a wide range of interests – there's something for everyone! Learn more about exchange options for MMM students by searching the International Office's database, where you will also find experience reports of former exchange students.
Credit: Anna Logue
Whether it's about applying, funding opportunities, course choice or credit transfer – if you plan on studying abroad, you will have plenty of questions. The university's Central International Office and your study abroad advisors at the Business School are happy to help. An outline of the most important information and to-dos can be found on our e-learning platform ILIAS.
Credit: Felix Zeiffer
Apply during your first semester in Mannheim for an exchange placement in your 3rd or 4th semester. You can also consider applying directly to a foreign university as a “freemover” – this means organizing the stay yourself, but we are happy to provide advice.
Credit: Felix Zeiffer
Credit Transfer
Discuss your coursework with your study abroad advisor in Mannheim before you leave and submit your credit transfer application to the Examination Committee after your return. You can find details on the recognition process and grade transfer on our e-learning platform ILIAS.
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