Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Christian Homburg
Lehrstuhl für Business-to-Business Marketing, Sales & Pricing
Bild: Fotostudio Thomas
- Marktorientiertes Management
- Kundenbindungsmanagement
- Vertriebsmanagement
- Preismanagement
- Internationales Marketing
- Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement
- Innovations- und Technologiemarketing
- Marketingstrategie
- Konsumentenverhalten
1986 | Diploma (M.Sc.) in Business Administration and Mathematics, University of Karlsruhe |
1988 | Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Marketing, University of Karlsruhe |
1989-1992 | Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Planning, KSB AG, Frankenthal |
1993 | Assistant Professor at the Marketing Department, University of Mainz |
1993-1995 | Assistant Professor at the Marketing Department, WHU Koblenz |
1995 | Habilitation in Business Administration, University of Mainz |
1995-1998 | Otto-Beisheim Professor of Business Administration and Marketing, WHU Koblenz |
Seit 1999 | Professor of Business Administration and Marketing, Universität Mannheim, Director of the Institute for Market-Oriented Management |
2001–2004 | Academic Director of the European MBA Program, Universität Mannheim |
2006–2010 | President of Mannheim Business School gGmbH |
2007–2014 | Professorial Fellow at the Department of Management and Marketing, University of Melbourne |
Seit 2018 | Distinguished Professorial Fellow at the University of Manchester |
Ausgewählte Mitgliedschaften
- German Association for Business Administration
- Association of University Professors of Business Administration
- American Marketing Association (AMA)
- European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
Preise, Auszeichnungen, Ehrungen
- 1st Honorary Doctoral Degree of the Copenhagen Business School (2006)
- 2nd Honorary Doctoral Degree of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (2008)
- Numerous international awards/
prizes by the American Marketing Association, the Academy of Marketing Science and the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Ausgewählte Herausgeber-Aktivitäten
- Journal of Marketing, Area-Editor
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Editorial Board Member
- International Journal of Research in Marketing, Senior Editor
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Hartmann, S., Homburg, C. und Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). Understanding and managing the link between firms’ strategic risk-taking and salespeople’s defensive behavior in price negotiations. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM, 1–20.
- Homburg, C., Knapp, M. und Wagner-Fabisch, R. (2024). Personality matters: how adaptive selling skills mediate the effect of personality traits on salespeople's exploited cross-selling potential. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM.
- Homburg, C., Schyma, T., Hohenberg, S., Atefi, Y. und Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). “Coopetition” in the presence of team and individual incentives: Evidence from the advice network of a sales organization. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 306–328.
- Lanzrath, A., Homburg, C. und Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). Increasing graduates' interest in B2B sales: how to dispel lay beliefs, fight stigma, and create a profession of choice. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM, 1–20.
- Homburg, C. und Tischer, M. (2023). Customer journey management capability in business‑to‑business markets: Its bright and dark sides and overall impact on firm performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 1046-1074.
- Lanzrath, A. I., Homburg, C. und Ruhnau, R.-C. (2023). Women's underrepresentation in business‑to‑business sales: Reasons, contingencies, and solutions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
- Homburg, C., Klarmann, M. und Vomberg, A. (Hrsg.) (2022). Handbook of market research. Cham: Springer.
- Harz, N., Hohenberg, S. und Homburg, C. (2022). Virtual reality in new product development: Insights from prelaunch sales forecasting for durables. Journal of Marketing : JM, 86, 157–179.
- Homburg, C., Knapp, M. und Wagner-Fabisch, R. (2022). Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsfaktoren und Adaptive Selling Skills auf die Cross-Selling Performance von Vertriebsmitarbeitern. IMU Research Insights, 081. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Homburg, C., Mettler, S. und Ruhnau, R.-C. (2022). Der Einsatz von IoT-Technologie bei Konsumgütern: Die Auswirkungen der Kundenwahrnehmung von IoT auf die Beziehung zum Hersteller. IMU Research Insights, 079. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Homburg, C. und Wielgos, D. M. (2022). The value relevance of digital marketing capabilities to firm performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 666–688.
- Ruhnau, R.-C., Homburg, C. und Hohenberg, S. (2022). Marketing in der Finanzmarktkommunikation: Insights von Experteninterviews, Conference Calls und Aktienkursreaktionen. IMU Research Insights, 78. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.