CfP: Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations

An edited volume by
Vanessa Dennen (Florida State University), Camille Dickson-Deane (University of Technology Sydney), Xun Ge (University of Oklahoma), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim, Curtin University), Sahana Murthy (IIT Bombay), Jennifer C. Richardson (Purdue University)
to be published open access by Springer, Cham
On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and a global health crisis. The pandemic has affected society and individuals on many levels and throughout various aspects of life, including education. All over the world, schools and universities were mandatorily closed, moved online, or delivered in alternative formats. COVID-19 has forced society to adapt to emergency situations and seek innovative solutions to continue to educate students in all kinds of settings, from PK-12 education to higher education and beyond. Such emergency situations have presented unprecedented challenges to educators, students, administrators, parents, policymakers, and many other stakeholders. The urgency of the situation has called for a system-wide response to transition from in-person, classroom education to other feasible modes of education or to transform classrooms into safer, socially-distanced spaces and adjust teaching plans accordingly. Educators have explored new approaches and technologies in their quest to meet their students’ needs. All of this has compelled us to rethink education. The unprecedented global nature of this situation has united educators and educational researchers around the world to ask new questions about what should be done in response to the current crisis as well as how to be better prepared for the future . Research questions involve, but are not limited to, the following: pedagogical issues, technological and infrastructure challenges, teacher professional development, issues of disparity, access and equity, and impact of government policies on education.
This edited volume will produce a contemporary document of the current global crisis. Further, this work will present a rich resource for future emergency scenarios in the educational arena. The tentative topics of this edited volume are as follows:
- Conceptual or philosophical contributions reflecting on the educational arena during emergency situations
- Educational solutions developed during emergency situations (tools, artifacts, stories or design cases)
- Studies providing rigorous empirical evidence and implications for emergency situations (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, data analytics)
- Perspectives on events that influence changes policies and practices
This edited volume is part of the Springer Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations book series ( and will be published open access to enable a global outreach to researchers, practitioners, administrators and policy makers.
Call for Proposals
Prospective authors (co-authors are welcome) are invited to submit a chapter proposal, including title, authors, affiliations, abstract describing the content of the chapter (max. 300 words), five keywords, three key references, and a 2–3 sentence describing how the chapter fits the theme of the edited volume (see above), no later than 15 March2021. Please submit the chapter proposal as PDF document including all required information using the online submission form:
The proposed chapter should be a previously unpublished work. Upon acceptance of the chapter proposal, the chapter should be completed no later than 31 July 2021. Contributions will undergo a review process where the authors identity will be concealed. Comments to authors will be returned by 31 August 2021. Finalised chapters are due no later than 01 October 2021. Guidelines for preparing chapters will be sent to authors upon acceptance of the chapter proposal.
The following represents a timeline for completing the edited volume:
- 15 March 2021: Proposal due including title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, references, theme
- 31 March 2021: Notification and additional information for accepted authors
- 31 July 2021: Draft chapters due
- 31 August 2021: Chapters returned with reviewers’ comments
- 01 October 2021: Final chapters due
- 01 November 2021: Pre-print version of the edited volume available for AECT 2021 International Convention
- End of 2021: Edited volume available as open access publication
Please use the following link for your inquires and submissions: