Annual Meeting 2022 of the Section for Vocational and Business Education

From September 26 to 28, this year's annual conference of the DGfE took place at the University of Education Freiburg. Among the participants was also the team of the Chair of Competence Development and Educational Quality (Viola Deutscher, Anke Braunstein, Maximilian Krötz, and Lea Dugrillon).

Ambiguities, ambivalences, and antinomies in the context of vocational education – This was the topic of this year's annual conference of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE). 

In the course of the program, Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher and Maximilian Krötz presented their paper “Training dropouts in dual education systems – An international meta-synthesis of dropout reasons” as part of the symposium “Training dropouts in dual education systems – Influencing factors and consequences in the mirror of construct measurement”.
