New modules for the Mannheim Master of Management (MMM) offered by top lecturers

In order to widen and broaden the course offering of the Area Management three new courses could be solicited for the MMM-program. All three courses will be conducted by top-level practitioners and will be offered during spring term 2024 for the first time but will be repeated every semester afterwards. Furthermore, all three modules are offered in some sort of a block format.

The first module, run by Area-lecturer Dr. Yvonne Dorf deals with the topic “Science Management” (MAN 521). The learning content of the module includes a systematic overview of the structure and function of the German academic system, its legal foundations and the way in which universities and academic institutions are managed. In addition to management tasks in research, quality and personnel development, the module also provides insights into the day-to-day work of university management, from personnel management to funding/marketing management. Career prospects in science, including employment relationships, are also part of the module content, as are links between the science system and current (world) politics.

The first module, run by Area-lecturer Dr. Yvonne Dorf deals with the topic “Science Management” (MAN 521). The learning content of the module includes a systematic overview of the structure and function of the German academic system, its legal foundations and the way in which universities and academic institutions are managed. In addition to management tasks in research, quality and personnel development, the module also provides insights into the day-to-day work of university management, from personnel management to funding/marketing management. Career prospects in science, including employment relationships, are also part of the module content, as are links between the science system and current (world) politics.

Information regarding the lecturer: After conducting her doctorate in Law, Dr.Yvonne Dorf worked as an attorney before becoming a professor at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences in Brühl. There, she served a dean and as academic director of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program as well as the Academic Director of the Master's degree program “European Public Administration Management” (Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin). Afterwards Dr. Dorf was appointed as Managing Director of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, in short DHV) that represents more than 35.000 members.

Another module, run by Area-lecturer Dr. CarstenLotz deals with the topic “Responsibility in Management” (MAN 522). The lecture examines the question of responsibility in the management of companies and other organizations on the basis of concrete case studies and fundamental texts from the economic and philosophical tradition. The key questions of the lecture are: (1) What is responsibility, and who is responsible? (2) What is the relationship between economic and ethical behavior? Can one be traced back to the other? (3) How does one make responsible decisions? What criteria or values are used to determine and justify one's actions? (4) Can responsibility be institutionalized? How far does a corporate responsibility approach go? (5) Can responsibility be delegated to the machine? What questions arise in view of the increase in Artificial Intelligence (AI) n virtually all corporate processes?

Information regarding the lecturer: Dr.CarstenLotz conducted his Doctorate in Catholic Theology and has decades of consulting experience. He is a former Partner of McKinsey. Lastly, he served as the Head of the McKinsey office in Paris.

The third new MMM-module, run by Area-lecturer Dr. Moritz Motyka deals with the topic Hybrid Organizing in Corporate and Nonprofit Management” (MAN 609). This seminar explores the intersection of corporate and nonprofit management through the lens of hybrid organizing. Hybrid organizations are increasingly prevalent in today's complex and interconnected world and are argued to exist in the for-profit as well as in the nonprofit and the public sector. They combine profit-driven and mission-oriented approaches (incl. social and environmental responsibilities). In this seminar, students will explore the complexities of blending such motives, and will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of hybrid organizing in diverse sectors. Through the examination of scientific papers, students will acquire a solid understanding of the fundamental features and principles of hybrid organizations. Participants will also gain insights into how hybrid organizing has evolved as a research field. In addition to the scientific perspective, the course will cover real-world examples of hybrid organizations and critically discuss their impact and potential challenges.

Information regarding the lecturer: Dr.Moritz Motyka holds a B.Sc.-, a M.Sc.- (both from University of Mannheim), and a M.A.-degree (from University of Music and Theatre Hamburg). After his studies he conducted his Doctorate at the University of Mannheim under the supervision of Professor Dr. Bernd Helmig. Currently Dr.Motyka works at the McKinsey office in Stuttgart as a Senior Associate.
