The Business School
Research and teaching at a top international level
The University of Mannheim Business School is one of the leading Business Schools in Europe. It unites first-class research, internationality and a distinct orientation towards corporate practice. Our innovative teaching methods and consistent quality management contribute to the best academic conditions. This is reflected in our successful ranking placements and triple accreditation by AACSB, EFMD (EQUIS) and AMBA.
Wirtschaftswoche Research Ranking 2022

Mannheim ranks No. 7 in the German-speaking countries. According to the Wirtschaftswoche, Mannheim Marketingprofessor Christian Homburg is the the most successful researcher in business administration with regard to lifetime achievements, Mannheim Seniorprofessor Martin Weber holds rank 2.
Areas & Chairs

The Business School is structured into seven areas, which cover almost all fields of research and teaching in business administration. Learn more about the areas and the corresponding chairs of our Business School.