Registration period and procedure for Master's courses (MMM)
The registration period for Master's courses with obligatory registration and restricted course capacity runs from 15 -29 August (not first-come-first-serve basis). For courses that are not restricted you can register any time from 15 August on. You find information about course restrictions in the module catalog.
Please register for all courses directly in the corresponding module on Portal 2 following these steps:
- Log in to Portal2.
- Select “My Studies“ and “Degree Planner“.
- Search for the module you would like to register for (use Ctrl f).
- Expand the module by clicking on the small plus sign to the left of the module name and register by clicking on the “Apply” button.
- Your status for this course will now read “registered“.
- On 30 Augusst, your status will change into “admitted“ in case you received a place in the course, or “rejected“ in case you did not receive a place in the course.
- If you were admitted to a course which you no longer intend to take, please use the “Withdraw“ button in order to drop the course and give other students the chance to move up into the course.
- If you were rejected from a course, please make sure to check the Portal regularly up until 7 September. During this period, students can move up into a course they were initially rejected from. In case you can move up into a course, your status will change from “rejected“ into “admitted“. Should you no longer wish to take part in the course, please withdraw as explained above.
Important: Please be fair and make sure to withdraw from a course you do not wish to participate in. It would be a shame if sought-after seats in a popular course remain empty!