Two students with bicycles in the Ehrenhof, lettering: Mannheim Master in Management: Specialization CSR & Sustainability

Mannheim Master in Management: Specialization in Sustainable Business and Corporate Responsibility Management

This specialization is aimed at students who would like to direct their future careers towards the field of sustainable development in the economy. With the course offering of the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and many other modules of different Chairs, you have the possibility to expand your practical and theoretical knowledge in CSR-Management, Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Leadership. The specialization prepares you both for taking over responsibility in established companies as well as for founding your own social start-up. Possible fields of activity includeCSR, Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Management in Businesses, Social Entrepreneurship, business consulting with a focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility, management in foundations and non-profit organizations and political consultancy.

The Course Offering for a Specialization in Sustainable Business and Corporate Responsibility Management: A Selection*

* The range of courses is constantly being developed, so it cannot be guaranteed that courses will be offered every semester.

Our complete, current course offer for the Mannheim Master in Management can be found in the module catalog

Complement your specialization with a matching elective: