ACC / TAX 920 Brown Bag Seminar
Yasmin Hoffmann: „Disclosure decisions when investors and shareholders don’t think alike: Feedback effects of constrained information processing” (30 minutes)
Jessica Müller: „Does nexus pay off? – Implications of the modified nexus approach on effective tax burdens and tax planning strategies of multinational enterprises (with Christoph Spengel and Daniela Steinbrenner), (30 minutes)
Stefan Weck:„How Do Investors Value the Publication of Tax Information? Evidence from the European Public Country-by-Country Reporting“ (45 minutes)
Sophie Wickel: „The Effect of Transfer Pricing Documentation Requirements on Tax Compliance Costs and Administrative Costs“ (30 minutes)
External participants please contact Zdenka Pospisil (acccap) for ZOOM-Link and paper.