Dr. Irmela Koch-Bayram
Assistant Professor at the Chair of Business Adminstration, Human Resource Management and Leadership
irmela.koch-bayram uni-mannheim.de
Credit: Sebastian Weindel
Main fields of research
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Leadership and Leadership Success
Curriculum vitae
2011 | Diplom-Kauffrau, University of Cologne |
2014 | Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California |
2015 | Dr. rer pol., University of Mannheim |
Since 2017 | Assistant Professor, University of Mannheim |
Selected publications
- Koch-Bayram, I. and Biemann, T. (2024). How corporate social (ir)responsibility influences employees’ private prosocial behavior: An experimental study. Journal of Business Ethics, 194, 103–118.
- Koch-Bayram, I. and Kaibel, C. (2024). Algorithms in personnel selection, applicants' attributions about organizations' intents and organizational attractiveness: An experimental study. Human Resource Management Journal, 34, 733–752.
- Mayrhofer, W., Biemann, T., Koch-Bayram, I. and Rapp, M. L. (2024). Context is key: A 34-country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contexts. Human Resource Management, 63, 355–371.
- Biemann, T., Mayrhofer, W. and Koch-Bayram, I. (2023). Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices. Human Resource Management Journal, 33, 47–68.
- Koch-Bayram, I., Kaibel, C., Biemann, T. and Triana, M. . C. (2023). : Applicants' experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment : IJSA, 31, 252–266.
- Lin-Hi, N., Gao-Urhahn, X., Biemann, T. and Koch-Bayram, I. (2023). Internal CSR and blue‑collar workers’ attitudes and behaviors in China: a combination of a cross‑sectional study and a field experiment. Asian Business & Management, 22, 1185-1213.