Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schön
Chair of Service Operations Management
Credit: Cornelia Schoen
Main fields of research
- Integrative Optimization Approaches for Service Design
- Quantitative Decision-Making Support in Service Operations Management
- Optimization Approaches for Product Line Design
- Revenue Management: Capacity Control & Dynamic Pricing, Stochastic Dynamic Models, Assortment Optimization
- Sustainable Value Adding (e.g. Servicizing) & Green Product/
Operations Design
Curriculum vitae
1997 | MBA, Univ. of Mass. Boston |
1998 | Diploma in Business Engineering, Univ. of Karlsruhe |
2002 | Doctoral Degree “Dr. rer. pol.”, School of Economics and Business Engineering, Univ. of Karlsruhe |
2008 | Habilitation at the Univ. of Karlsruhe, Venia Legendi for Business Admin. |
2008–2009 | Ass. Professor at the Inst. of Operations Research, Univ. of Karlsruhe, Guest Lecturer at the Business School as well as the CDSB of the Univ. of Mannheim, Lecturer at the Hector School of Eng. & Mgmt., Karlsruhe |
2009–2013 | Full Professor of Operations Management at Leibniz Univ. Hannover and GISMA Business School, Visit. Prof. for Service Operations Mgmt. at Krannert Business School, Purdue Univ. |
Since 2013 | Full Professor and holder of the Chair of Service Operations Management at the Business School of the Univ. of Mannheim, Acad. Director of the Mannheim Executive MBA Program at MBS |
Selected memberships
Prizes, awards, honors
- 2003–2006 “Margarete von Wrangell” Post-Doc Research Scholarship of the State of BaWü
- 2004–2005 Post-Doc Research Scholarship “Eliteförderprogramm der Landesstiftung BaWü”
- 2006 Scientific Award of the School of Economics and Business Engineering, Univ. of Karlsruhe (Rudolf Henn Prize for OR)
Selected editorial activities
- Ad-hoc reviewer for leading nat. and int. journals, e.g., ManSci, TrSci, OR, EJOR
Selected publications
- Krömer, M. M., Topchishvili, D. and Schön, C. (2024). Sustainable airline planning and scheduling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 1–20.