Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Martin Weber
Chair of Senior Professor Weber
Credit: Siegfried Herrmann
Main fields of research
- Banking
- Empirical Research on Capital Markets
- Experimental Economics
- Decision Theory
- Behavioral Finance
- Market Efficiency
- Household Finance
Curriculum vitae
1975 | Diplom-Mathematiker (M.Sc. in Mathematics), University of Aachen |
1977 | Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematiker (M.B.A.), University of Aachen |
1981 | Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D. in Business), University of Aachen |
1988 | Habilitation in Business Administration, University of Aachen |
1989-1993 | Professor of Business Administration, especially Decision Theory, University of Kiel |
1993-2017 | Professor of Business Administration, especially Banking and Finance, University of Mannheim |
Since 2017 | Senior Professor at the Business School, University of Mannheim |
Selected memberships
- Member of Sections in the Verein für Socialpolitik: Ausschuss für Unternehmenstheorie, Theoretischer Ausschuss 1993-2005) und Socialwissenschaftlicher Ausschuss (President 1997-1999)
- Board Member of the Economic Science Association (European Secretary,1996-1999)
- Research Fellow at the CEPR, London, since 2002
- Fachkollegium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften der DFG (Review Committee, 2004–2008)
- Member of The German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina and of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prizes, awards, honors
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, University of Münster (2007)
Selected editorial activities
- Management Science (1998-2002)
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
- Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
- The Journal of Behavioral Finance
- Annals of Finance
- Review of Managerial Science
Selected publications
- Germann, M., Mertes, L., Weber, M. and Loos, B. (2024). Trust and delegated investing: a money doctors experiment. Review of Finance (forthcoming).
- Heimer, R., Iliewa, Z., Imas, A. and Weber, M. (2024). Dynamic inconsistency in risky choise: Evidence from the lab and field. American Economic Review : AER, 115, 30–363.
- Kieren, P. and Weber, M. (2024). Expectation formation under uninformative signals. Management Science (forthcoming).
- Merkle, C., Schreiber, P. and Weber, M. (2024). Inconsistent retirement timing. Journal of Human Resources : JHR, 59, 329–974.
- Ungeheuer, M. and Weber, M. (2024). So what we do learn from Li and Wang. Critical Finance Review (forthcoming).
- Kieren, P., Müller-Dethard, J. and Weber, M. (2023). Risk-taking and asymmetric learning in boom and bust markets. Review of Finance, 27, 1743-1779.
- Laudenbach, C., Ungeheuer, M. and Weber, M. (2023). How to alleviate correlation neglect in investment decisions. Management Science, 69, 3400-3414.
- Kieren, P. and Weber, M. (2022). When saving is not enough – wealth decumulation in retirement. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance : JPEF, 21, 446–473.
- Merkle, C., Müller-Dethard, J. and Weber, M. (2021). Closing a mental account: the realization effect for gains and losses. Experimental Economics, 24, 303–329.
- Ungeheuer, M. and Weber, M. (2021). The perception of dependence, investment decisions, and stock prices. The Journal of Finance, 76, 797–844.
- Jacobs, H., Laudenbach, C., Müller, S., Schreiber, P. and Weber, M. (2020). Die genial einfache Vermögensstrategie : so gelingt die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.