Our graduate Cora Sengle wins the 2022 “BME Hochschulpreis”

Best master thesis award for Mannheim graduate

Congratulations to our master graduate Cora Sengle who is the winner of the 2022 “BME Hochschulpreis”. In her master thesis titled Process Mining in Procurement: A Qualitative Analysis of Current and Future Application Opportunities, she combined literature work with explorative interviews to identify and cluster application opportunities of process mining technologies in different procurement processes. The resulting multifaceted framework structures the findings along a task-, a goal-, and a technology-driven dimension. The thesis was supervised by Jonas Ronellenfitsch.

With this award, the German Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics (BME) honors outstanding master theses in the field of supply chain management. The prize is awarded as part of the Academic Symposium “Supply Management” which also took place in Mannheim on March-07 and March-08.
