Presentation of several research projects at the 36th colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)

Benedikt Englert, Martin Sievert, and Simon Thimmel presented their research projects at the virtual colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)

This year our chair was represented with several research projects at the virtual EGOS colloquium. The following projects were presented and discussed:

  • Benedikt Englert, Alexander Pinz & Bernd Helmig: Identity Congruence in Hybrid Organizations. (Pre-Colloquium Junior Faculty Workshop)
  • Simon Thimmel, Rebecca Waerder & Bernd Helmig: Organizational Resilience of Nonprofit Organizations: A Resource-based View on the Role of Pre-existing Collaborations with Forprofit Organizations (PDW 02: Challenges to Multidisciplinary Research at the Borderlands between State, Market and Civil Society)
  • Martin Sievert, Alexander Pinz & Bernd Helmig: The Formation of Evaluators’ Legitimacy Judgments: Experimental Evidence on Horizontal Legitimacy Spillover in Collaborations (Sub-Theme 49: Social Evaluations: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
  • Simon Thimmel & Benedikt Englert & Bernd Helmig: The impact of organizational misconduct on employees' ideological psychological contract: On the buffering role of organizational corrective actions (Sub-Theme 53: Studying Organizational Wrongdoing, Corruption, and Scandals: Where Are We and Where Should We Go?)