Prof. Spengel launches a new digital teaching concept

Self-created, animated short videos provide students with a cross-curricular overview of basic concepts and principles of national and international (corporate) taxation.

At the beginning of the spring semester 2023, the digital teaching concepts of Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel reach another milestone with the release of the Tax Video Library. The Tax Video Library contains self-created, animated explainer videos on the basic concepts and principles of national and international (corporate) taxation and is designed for cross-curricular use among students.

The short videos cover topics consolidated from the bachelor and master courses of Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel and supplement traditional classroom teaching. Teaching basic concepts and principles through digital elements enables face-to-face teaching to focus on deepening the knowledge gained through the videos and solving problems that build upon them. At the same time, the Tax Video Library addresses the need of students to receive high-quality learning materials that are available independently of time and place. The videos are also suitable for students who want to refresh their basic knowledge or close potential knowledge gaps.

The format of the explainer videos is optimally adapted to the common use of media. The videos are available in English and can be viewed independently of each other. Due to the approximately three-minute duration of the individual videos and their modular structure, they are suitable both for targeted use during exercise solving and for watching on the go (e.g., on the way to tutorials).

Last year, some of the explainer videos were already integrated into two courses. In an evaluation among more than 90 students, over 92% stated that they gained a better understanding of the lecture content through the explainer videos. Starting this spring semester, the explainer videos will be integrated into all other courses in the field of Taxation.

The Tax Video Library is currently in progress and will be continuously expanded. After completion by the end of 2023, approximately 40 videos will be available on the following topics: Fundamentals of Taxation, Business Taxation, Income Determination & Interaction with Accounting, International Taxation, Tax Planning, and Personal Income Taxation.

Next to Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel, his doctoral students Inga Schulz and Sarah Winter as well as his former doctoral student Dr. Leonie Fischer are responsible for the concept and creation of the explainer videos. The team would also like to thank their research assistants, who contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Now take a look at the Tax Video Library.
