ACC 453: Mannheim Discussion Club

Participants will be asked to enter into a controversial discussion of a current contentious issue from the areas of business, economics and society, reviewing relevant academic articles and following the latest news and developments. On the basis of this research, four teams, each representing one distinct position, will prepare their statements and consider the problem from various perspectives. In live discussions, the teams will be pitted against each other and their arguments will be put to the test. A paper of compromise with the most convincing arguments will round out the discussion.

Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students

  • are able to analyze a hitherto unknown topic
  • have improved on their rhetorical skills
  • have practiced their presentation and discussion skills
  • are able to come up with a convincing compromise, taking all relevant conflicting views into consideration

Necessary prerequisites
semester 4 or higher, no participation in Mannheimer Discussion Club in fall 2021

Recommended prerequisites
comprehensive expertise in business administration or business education

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture2 SWS7 SWS
ECTS credits3
Graded yes
Form of assessmentOral presentation: group discussion (50 %)
Seminar papers (50 %, 12 p. in total)
Restricted admissionyes
Further informationWebsites of the participating chairs
Performing lecturer
Prof. Aprea has shoulder-length dark hair and wears a dark blazer and a purple blouse.
Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea
Prof. Dr. Dirk Simons
Christiane Koch
Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea, Prof. Dr. Dirk Simons, Christiane Koch
Frequency of offeringSpring semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationB.Sc. Bus. Adm.
Preliminary course work
Program-specific Competency GoalsCG 2, CG 3