FIN 457: Responsible Leadership for Honors Program Students

This course, which is open to students in the Honors Program, helps participants develop a deeper understanding of their personal responsibility as a leader of tomorrow. What contribution am I making to society as a business leader of tomorrow? How can I put my talents and abilities as a business student to good use? This course is designed to help answer these central economic questions of our time through exchanges with business leaders who already bear leadership responsibility, through creative interdisciplinary impulses, via classroom teaching sessions, and by actually engaging in projects designed to practice managerial responsibility.

Learning outcomes
After taking this course, students will have started to develop a personal framework that captures their personal responsibility as a business leader of tomorrow. Students will acquire a deeper understanding about the relationship between personal responsibility, responsibility as a business leader, and responsibility for society. Students will have acquired insights from business leaders, business professors and others into what it actually means to lead responsibly. After taking this course, students will have enhanced their ability to analyze and evaluate the impact of managerial decisions on society. Students will have developed skills to implement projects that reflect responsible leadership.

Necessary prerequisites
Students must be admitted in to the Honors Program.

Recommended prerequisites

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture3 SWS6 SWS
ECTS credits3
Graded yes
Form of assessmentWritten Assignment (100%)
Restricted admissionyes
Further informationVia e-mail to the contact person of the Honors Program.
Performing lecturer
Prof. Spalt trägt eine Brille und einen Anzug. Er steht vor der Schlossmauer.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt
Prof. Dr. Spalt
Frequency of offeringSpring semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationB.Sc. Bus. Adm.
Preliminary course work
Program-specific Competency GoalsCG 2, CG 3, CG 4
LiteratureWill be announced.
Course outlinePlease refer to the website of the Honors Program for further information.