
English and American Literature Studies for students with skills in humanities

Necessary prerequisites
Further informationPlease enrol in courses via the course catalog of the School of Humanities / Department of English Studies or e-Mail to program Manager Madeline Dahl (
Organizational informationAll of the following modules have to be taken (18 ECTS in total).
Contact personMadeline Dahl (master(at)
Assessment formECTSSemester
Area Studies (from the offering of the MakuWi)

Written and/or oral exam

4Spring & fall
Seminar to be chosen from the offerings of the master-program “Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era”

Term paper or oral exam

7Spring & fall
Seminar to be chosen from the offerings of the master-program “Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era”

Term paper or oral exam

7Spring & fall