Quantitative Methods


  • Basics of linear algebra
  • Solvability of linear systems of equations
  • Linear optimization
  • Simplex algorithm

Learning outcomes
Students are supposed to learn about the fundamental methods of linear algebra and apply them to typical problems in business administration. In particular, different algorithms for the solution of linear systems of equations will be discussed and the concept of linear optimization will be introduced. The solution of these optimization problems plays an important role.
After this class, students should be able to demonstrate and apply program-specific knowledge to identify and solve problems in the respective academic areas.

Necessary prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture2 SWS2 SWS
Exercise class2 SWS2 SWS
Tutorial2 SWS2 SWS
ECTS credits3
Graded yes
Form of assessmentWritten exam (45 min), optional bonus exercises during the semester
Restricted admissionno
Further information
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schön
Frequency of offeringFall semester
Duration of module 0.5 semesters
Preliminary course work