Dr. Jan Delcker
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Economic and Business Education, Learning, Design and Technology
delcker uni-mannheim.de
Main fields of research
- Teaching and learning with digital technologies
- Digitalization in school development
- School development models
- Educational Data Literacy
Curriculum vitae
2022 | Dr. rer. pol. (PhD), Phd thesis “Transforming Vocational Schools – Digitalization in School Development“ |
Since 2015 | University of Mannheim, Research Assistant at the Chair for Economic and Business Education – Learning, Design & Technology |
2012–2015 | Hochschule Mannheim, M.A. Social Work, Master thesis “Pfandsammler“ |
2008–2012 | Hochschule Mannheim, B.A. Social Work, Bachelor thesis “Computerspiele als Anlass zur medienpädagogischen Arbeit in Familien“ |
Selected publications
- Delcker, J., Heil, J. and Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Evidence-based development of an instrument for the assessment of teachers’ self-perceptions of their artificial intelligence competence. Educational Technology Research and Development : ET R & D, 1–19.
- Delcker, J., Heil, J., Ifenthaler, D., Seufert, S. and Spirgi, L. (2024). First-year students AI-competence as a predictor for intended and de facto use of AI-tools for supporting learning processes in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21, 1–13.
- Delcker, J., Heil, J., Ifenthaler, D., Seufert, S. and Spirgi, L. (2024). First-year students' usage of and attitudes towards mindless and mindful AI-technology. In Artificial intelligence for supporting human cognition and exploratory learning in the digital age (S. 25–40). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Heil, J., Delcker, J., Ifenthaler, D., Seufert, S. and Spirgi, L. (2024). KI-Kompetenz zu Studienbeginn als Prädiktor für die Nutzung von KI-Werkzeugen zur Unterstützung von Lernprozessen. Informatik-Spektrum, 1–9.
- Seufert, S., Spirgi, L., Delcker, J., Heil, J. and Ifenthaler, D. (2024). Umgang mit KI-Robotern: maschinelle Übersetzer, Textgeneratoren, Chatbots & Co – Eine empirische Studie bei Erstsemester-Studierenden. Empirische Pädagogik : EP, 38, 47–72.
- Delcker, J. (2023). Digitalisation in the curricula of vocational schools: text mining as an instrument of curricula analysis. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 28, 999-1014.
- Delcker, J. (2022). Transforming vocational schools – digitalisation in school development. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Delcker, J. and Ifenthaler, D. (2022). Digital distance learning and the transformation of vocational schools from a qualitative perspective. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1–15.
- Delcker, J. and Ifenthaler, D. (2022). Distance learning and the influence of schools' organizational characteristics on the students perceived learning success. In Global perspectives on educational innovations for emergency situations (S. 241–250). Cham: Springer International Publishing.