Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch
Chair of Economic and Business Education – Workplace Learning
Credit: Alexander Münch
Main fields of research
- Learning at the Workplace
- Evaluation of Professional Competences
- Process analysis of domain-specific problem solving and learning
- Quality of Education and Training
- Evaluation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and further education
- Simulation-based training
Curriculum vitae
1999 | Bankkaufmann (VET certification in banking) |
2004 | Diplom-Handelslehrer (Diploma in Business Education) |
2010 | Dr. rer. pol., University of Bamberg |
2016 | Visiting Professor of Business Education, University of Mannheim |
2017 | Habilitation in Business Education, University of Bamberg |
2017 | Professor of Business Education, University of Mannheim |
Selected memberships
- EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction)
- AERA (American Educational Research Association)
- GEBF (Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung)
- DGfE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften)
Selected publications
- Aprea, C., Böhm, M., Rausch, A. and Sarochan, N. M. (2024). Arbeitszeit von Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen aufgeschlüsselt: Zweite Expertise zu ausgewählten Ergebnissen des Projekts „Arbeitszeit, Arbeitbelastung und Resilienz von Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg (AARL-BS)”. Mannheim.
- Brodsky, A., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2024). Informal learning in business internships in higher education – findings from a diary study. Vocations and Learning, 17, 433–458.
- Gentner, S., Ludwig, S., Braunstein, A., Mayer, C., Deutscher, V., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2024). The digital office simulation LUCA from the perspective of teachers and learners: first findings of usability analyses. In Apprenticeships and the digital transition : modernising apprenticeships to meet digital skill needs (S. 102–117). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- Köhler, D. P., Rausch, A., Biemann, T. and Büchsenschuss, R. (2024). Expertise and specialization in organizations: a social network analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–17.
- Ludwig, S., Rausch, A., Deutscher, V. and Seifried, J. (2024). Predicting problem-solving success in an office simulation applying N-grams and a random forest to behavioral process data. Computers & Education, 218, 1–19.
- Rausch, A., Abele, S., Deutscher, V., Greiff, S., Kis, V., Messenger, S., Shackleton, J., Tramonte, L., Ward, M. and Winther, E. (2024). Designing an international large-scale assessment of professional competencies and employability skills: emerging avenues and challenges of OECD's PISA-VET. Vocations and Learning, 17, 393–432.
- Rausch, A., Deutscher, V. and Seifried, J. (2024). Szenario-basierte Diagnostik kaufmännischer Handlungskompetenz mit LUCA Office Simulation. In Online-Assessment : Grundlagen und Anwendung von Online-Tests in der Unternehmenspraxis (S. 165–180). Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer.
- Aprea, C., Böhm, M., Rausch, A. and Sarochan, N. M. (2023). Arbeitszeit von Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen im Fokus : erste Expertise zu ausgewählten Ergebnissen des Projekts „Arbeitszeit, Arbeitsbelastung und Resilienz von Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg (AARL-BS)“. Mannheim.
- Deutscher, V., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2023). Digitales Prüfen prozess- und stakeholderorientiert denken mit der LUCA Office Simulation. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis : BWP, 52, 21–25.
- Leiß, T. and Rausch, A. (2023). How personality, emotions and situational characteristics affect learning from social interactions in the workplace. Vocations and Learning, 16, 73–97.
- Leiß, T. and Rausch, A. (2023). Informal learning from dealing with software-related problems in the digital workplace. The Journal of Workplace Learning, 35, 291–310.
- Ludwig, S. and Rausch, A. (2023). The relationship between problem-solving behaviour and performance – Analysing tool use and information retrieval in a computer-based office simulation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39, 617–643.
- Mayer, C., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2023). Analysing domain-specific problem-solving processes within authentic computer-based learning and training environments by using eye-tracking: a scoping review. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 15, 1–27.
- Rausch, A., Deutscher, V. and Seifried, J. (2023). LUCA office simulation – Gestaltung authentsicher und individualisierter Szenarien in einer computerbasierten Bürosimulation. In Ausbilder-Handbuch : Aufgaben, Strategien u. Zuständigkeiten für Verantwortliche in d. Aus- u. Weiterbildung (S. 1–10). Köln: Dt. Wirtschaftsdienst.
- Rausch, A., Deutscher, V. and Seifried, J. (2023). LUCA office simulation – Gestaltung authentsicher und individualisierter Szenarien in einer computerbasierten Bürosimulation. In PersonalAusbilden : das aktuelle Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker (S. ). Köln: Dt. Wirtschaftsdienst.
- Braunstein, A., Deutscher, V., Seifried, J., Winther, E. and Rausch, A. (2022). A taxonomy of social embedding – A systematic review of virtual learning simulations in vocational and professional learning. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 72, 1–12.
- Deutscher, V., Seifried, J., Rausch, A., Thomann, H. and Braunstein, A. (2022). Die LUCA Office Simulation in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – didaktische Design-Empfehlungen und erforderliche Lehrkompetenzen. In Digital Literacy in der beruflichen Lehrer:innenbildung : Didaktik, Empirie und Innovation (S. 107–121). Bielefeld: wbv.
- Gentner, S., Ludwig, S., Braunstein, A., Deutscher, V., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2022). LUCA Office Simulation – Wie nehmen Lehrende und Lernende die digitale Bürosimulation wahr? Bildung und Beruf, 5, 377–382.
- Gorshid, G. D., Mayer, C., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2022). Das LUCA-Dashboard im Usability-Test – Eine gaze-cued retrospective Think-Aloud-Studie. In Digitale Transformation in der Berufsbildung : Konzepte, Befunde und Herausforderungen (S. 189–212). Bielefeld: wbv.
- Hühn, C. and Rausch, A. (2022). Collaboration and emotions during simulation-based learning in general management courses. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 73, 101–130.
- Köhler, D. P. and Rausch, A. (2022). Expertise development in the workplace through deliberate practice and progressive problem solving: Insights from business-to-business sales departments. Vocations and Learning, 15, 569–597.
- Leiß, T., Rausch, A. and Seifried, J. (2022). Problem-solving and tool use in office work: The potential of electronic performance support systems to promote employee performance and learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1–19.
- Rausch, A., Bauer, J. and Gräf, M. (2022). Research on individual learning from errors in the workplace – A literature review and citation analysis. In Research approaches on workplace learning : Insights from a growing field (S. 47–75). Cham: Springer.
- Rausch, A., Goller, M. and Steffen, B. (2022). Uncovering informal workplace learning by using diaries. In Methods for researching professional learning and development: Challenges, applications, and empirical illustrations (S. 43–70). Cham: Springer.
- Seifried, J. and Rausch, A. (2022). Applying the experience sampling method to research on workplace learning. In Methods for researching professional learning and development: Challenges, applications, and empirical illustrations (S. 19–41). Cham: Springer.