New Publikation in International Journal of Research in Marketing

We are pleased to announce that the article “How Algorithmic Pricing Impacts Consumer Trust and Behavior” was published last month in the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). The authors Prof. Dr. Arnd Vomberg, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg and Dr. Panagiotis Sarantopoulos explore a highly relevant topic:
Algorithmic Pricing and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior.
The study shows that algorithmic pricing, which is increasingly being used both online and offline, affects consumer trust in retailers and alters their price comparison behavior.
Key findings include:
- Consumers tend to initially distrust retailers using algorithmic pricing.
- However, frequent price changes due to algorithms lead consumers to become accustomed to this practice, as they perceive opportunities to find lower prices.
- Algorithmic pricing increases the time consumers spend comparing prices, and this effect intensifies as they become more familiar with the method.
What can retailers do?
The study's results suggest that price guarantees (such as price matching) can help mitigate negative consumer reactions.
The article is now available online here. We invite readers to explore this insightful study!