Handbook of Market Research

Covers a very broad spectrum of important market research methods, both quantitative and qualitative

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.10.2021

Authors: Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, Arnd Vomberg

Publisher: Springer Gabler 

ISBN: 978-3-319-57411-0

ISBN: 978-3-319-05542-8 (eBook)

Further Information

  • Brief Description

    In this handbook, internationally renowned scholars outline the current state-of-the-art of quantitative
    and qualitative market research. They discuss focal approaches to market research and guide students and practitioners in their
    real-life applications. Aspects covered include topics on data-related issues, methods, and applications. Data-related topics comprise
    chapters on experimental design, survey research methods, international market research, panel data fusion, and endogeneity.
    Method-oriented chapters look at a wide variety of data analysis methods relevant for market research, including chapters on
    regression, structural equation modeling (SEM), conjoint analysis, and text analysis. Application chapters focus on specific topics relevant
    for market research such as customer satisfaction, customer retention modeling, return on marketing, and return on price promotions. Each
    chapter is written by an expert in the field. The presentation of the material seeks to improve the intuitive and technical understanding of
    the methods covered.

    What is special about this book?
    – Many chapters provide data and software code to replicate the
    analyses, but still offer an intuitive and practice-oriented approach
    to the discussed methodologies
    – To respond to new emerging trends and methods, the chapters are
    published and updated dynamically


  • About the Authors

    Professor Homburg is director of the Institute for Market-Oriented Management (IMU) at the University of Mannheim. He specializes in market-oriented management, customer relationship management and sales management. Professor Homburg has published numerous books and articles at the national as well as the international level. He belongs to the very few German management professors who have also gained an international reputation in their area of expertise. He is currently member of the editorial boards of 6 scientific journals in the United States and Germany. Since April 2011 he works as the first German area editor for the Journal of Marketing. Professor Homburg received several awards for his scientific research from the American Marketing Association, the world's leading scientific association in the area of marketing. In November 2012, Professor Homburg ranked first in the global ranking of the American Marketing Association which is based on the number of publications due to his research activity in the most important marketing journals.

    Prior to his academic career Professor Homburg was director of marketing, controlling and strategic planning in an industrial company that operates globally. In addition to his academic position he is chairman of the scientific advisory committee of Homburg & Partner, an international management consultancy.

    Professor Klarmann is Professor of Marketing at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. Previously, he worked as Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the School of Business and Economics at the University of Passau. Professor Klarmann’s research focuses on a variety of issues, including sales management and personal selling, market orientation, marketing innovations, customer relationship management, B2B branding, and survey research methodology. His research has been published in several leading journals of the field, including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. Professor Klarmann has received several awards for his research, including an overall best paper award at the American Marketing Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference.

    Professor Vomberg is Professor for Empirical Methods and Quantitative Marketing at the University of Mannheim. Prior to joining academia, Professor Vomberg worked at BASF and HeidelbergCement AG. For his research performance, Professor Vornberg has received the Award for Excellent Research Results in the Doctoral Thesis (awarded by “Stiftung Marketing” at the University of Mannheim) and the Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award (HR Division Academy of Management).