Bachelor's thesis
Our students get to choose their topic from different subject areas within marketing. Their thesis will be research-oriented and based on a literature research.
Provided the examination board has allocated you to our department, you will be asked to hand in your preferences for the topics from the above-mentioned areas. Our team will then assign each student to one topic taking into account your preferences. As you can see from the list of subject areas, they are not exclusively related to the content of the marketing courses.
The bachelor thesis can be written in English or German.
Information about the bachelor's thesis
Subject areas for the bachelor's thesis
Topics of completed bachelor's theses
- A State-of-the-Art Analysis of Customer Experience and Customer Experience Management in Literature
- Between the fronts: Sales as a field of tension and the relevance of organizational variables
- Can There Be Too Many Sales Channels?
- Consumers’ Coping Strategies Against Psychological Threats in a Consumption Context
- Cross-selling in the B2B and B2C context: Common and specific influencing factors on the performance of salespeople
- Customer Referrals: Gaining New Customers from Existing Customers
- Hunting and Farming: Should Salespeople Focus on New Customers or Existing Customers?
- Personalization vs. Privacy Protection: Two Opposing Customer Needs for the Marketing-Discipline?
- Salesperson Performance: A Literature Review on the Most Important Drivers
- Same-Same but Different: Salary Differences between Marketing and Sales
- Selling through the eyes of a salesperson: Relevance and impact of salesperson’s perceptions
- Should Firms Say “Sorry” when Something Goes Wrong? A Literature Analysis of Communicating towards Unsatisfied Customers
- Social Media in B2B Markets: How it can improve sales performance and resulting implications for practitioners
- Spoilt for Choice? The Application of Choice-Tactics to Simplify Purchasing Decisions
- Success factors for customer solutions in the context of business-to-business markets
- The effects of digitalization on relationship value in business-to-business markets
- The Essence of B2B Buyer-Seller Relationships: Current Research and Future Developments
- The True Value of Customer Loyalty and its Impact on Performance Indicators