Professor Homburg ranked 1st in Ranking for Category Lifetime Achievement

The current ranking of the WirtschaftsWoche names Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christian Homburg the leading researcher in business administration in the German-speaking world, recognizing his significant contributions to the field throughout his career for his "Lebenswerk". Congratulations for this special recognition!
“If you look at the lifetime achievement in business administration, i.e. all the papers ever published, Homburg, marketing professor at the University of Mannheim, is clearly in the lead – as he was in the previous ranking two years ago,” reports WirtschaftsWoche.
What makes Professor Homburg's research so successful?
Professor Homburg's research topics are practical, innovative and future-oriented. His current projects include investigating the role that sustainability plays in purchasing decisions, particularly in the B2B sector. He is also currently researching extended reality technologies (especially virtual reality) in sales and investigating how they can be used effectively at trade fairs, for example.
In an interview with WirtschaftsWoche, he emphasizes that business administration, especially teaching and research, is undergoing significant change due to rapidly advancing developments in artificial intelligence. “One future topic in business administration that I would like to focus on more intensively is the changes in science brought about by artificial intelligence. The disruptive influence of AI on research and teaching in business administration is still often underestimated”, according to Prof. Homburg.
About his person:
Professor Homburg has held the Chair of Business-to-Business Marketing, Sales & Pricing at the University of Mannheim since 1999 and conducts research into customer relationship and sales management, market-oriented corporate management and pricing policy. He is also Director of the Institute for Market-Oriented Management.
Read the full interview and the article on the current ranking here.