MAN 522: Responsibility in Management
The lecture examines the question of responsibility in the management of companies and other organizations on the basis of concrete case studies and fundamental texts from the economic and philosophical tradition. The key questions of the lecture are: (1) What is responsibility, and who is responsible? (2) What is the relationship between economic and ethical behavior? Can one be traced back to the other? (3) How does one make responsible decisions? What criteria or values are used to determine and justify one's actions? (4) Can responsibility be institutionalized? How far does a corporate responsibility approach go? (5) Can responsibility be delegated to the machine? What questions arise in view of the increase in AI in virtually all corporate processes?
Learning outcomes
After passing this course, students should be able to critically reflect on their responsibility as future managers or employees in companies and other institutions, justify their decisions on the basis of essential economic and philosophical positions and frames of reference, and analyze and criticize the decisions of others in a well-founded manner. Students should also be familiar with and be able to analyze typical dilemma situations.
Necessary prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites
Acquisition of the philosophical and economic literature mentioned in the lecture.
Forms of teaching and learning | Contact hours | Independent study time |
Lecture | 2 SWS | 8 SWS |
ECTS credits | 4 |
Graded | yes |
Workload | 120h |
Language | German |
Form of assessment | Written exam (60 min) |
Restricted admission | yes |
Further information | Student Portal |
Performing lecturer | Dr. Carsten Lotz |
Frequency of offering | Spring semester & fall semester |
Duration of module | 1 semester |
Range of application | M.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. Bus. Edu., M.Sc. Econ., M.Sc. Bus. Inf., LL.M., MAKUWI |
Preliminary course work | – |
Program-specific Competency Goals | CG 1, CG 2, CG 3 |
Literature | Badaracco, Joseph. Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose between Right and Right. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2016. Friedman, Milton. „A Friedman doctrine‐- The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits“. New York Times, 13. September 1970. Jonas, Hans. Das Prinzip Verantwortung: Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation. 6. Auflage. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 3492. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2017. Lévinas, Emmanuel. Ethik als Erste Philosophie. Wien: Sonderzahl, 2022. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism: Englisch/ Monios, Jason. „The Moral Limits of Market-Based Mechanisms: An Application to the International Maritime Sector“. Journal of Business Ethics 187, Nr. 2 (1. Oktober 2023): 283–99. Wiedmann, Klaus-Peter, Wolfgang Fritz, und Bodo Abel, Hrsg. Management mit Vision und Verantwortung. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 2004. Wieland, Josef. Governanceethik und moralische Anreize (= Working Paper. Nr. 7). Fachhochschule Konstanz, Konstanz 2007 |
Course outline | 1) Philosophical foundations of the term “responsibility” 2) Relationship between ethics and economics 3) Personal responsibility: values and value-oriented action 4) Institutionalized responsibility (corporate responsibility): key figures and evaluation 5) Artificial (?) responsibility: consequences of artificial intelligence for management |