MAN 679: A Scientific Introduction into Public and Nonprofit Management

This module is a scientific introduction into the management of public and nonprofit organizations. Firstly, the public and nonprofit sector will be described and analyzed. Then the specifics and challenges of the management of public and nonprofit organizations will be discussed. This includes a discussion of different management functions (such as governance, HR, Marketing). The module will thereby create a theoretical framework for the management of public and nonprofit organizations. Differences to the management of “forprofit” organizations will be analyzed. The contents will be derived from current scientific literature in the field of public and nonprofit management. The methodology of research in the field public and management will also be discussed.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module students will be able to understand the relevance of the public and nonprofit sector, explain the specifics of the management of public and nonprofit organizations, understand and critically assess scientific literature from the field of public and nonprofit management, and discuss propositions and findings in the field of public and nonprofit management. In this course, the key competences of presentation technique, academic work and team competence shall be acquired.

Necessary prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Lecture2 SWS7 SWS
Exercise class1 SWS7 SWS
ECTS credits6
Graded yes
Form of assessmentWritten exam (90 min, 90%) and seminar work (10%)
Restricted admissionno
Further information
Performing lecturer
Prof. Helmig has short grey hair and wears a dark jacket, a light blue shirt and a red tie.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig
Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig, Jonas Bruder, Ludwig Uhl
Frequency of offeringFall semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationM.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. Bus. Edu., M.Sc. Econ., M.Sc. Bus. Inf., LL.M., MAKUWI
Preliminary course work
Program-specific Competency GoalsCG 1, CG 3, CG 4
LiteratureHelmig, B. & Boenigk, S. (2019). Nonprofit Management (2. ed.). München: Vahlen.

Bogumil, J. & Jann, W. (2020). Verwaltung und Verwaltungswissenschaft in Deutschland (3. ed.). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Course outlineFoundations of Nonprofit Management
Foundations of Public Management
Public & Nonprofit Governance
Public & Nonprofit Human Resources Management
Public & Nonprofit Marketing
Nonprofit Financial Management & Fundraising
The detailed course outline as well as the registration deadlines for the assignment of topics for the seminar work will be published in the syllabus on the website of the chair before the beginning of the semester.